Chapter 34: Our Two Daughters

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'I'm finally happy.'

August rolled by like a tumbleweed, just letting the wind take it. Since Henry and I got back together, I have never been happier. Henry treats me like a queen and like I'm dying in a few days though he's gonna have to share me in a few days. Yes, I'm giving birth well supposed to in a few days. Henry and I can't wait for their arrival. I haven't told Henry the names I picked, well I hope he likes them though or I'll have to stay in the hospital longer. Jack got a new girlfriend but get this, he asked permission from me to date her. I was very confused when he asked permission from me but he said that he feels he somewhat belongs to me. Not like a mother/son thing but like well he said it was very complicated. Of course I said yes cause I want him to be happy. Well yesterday he told me they are dating and they are so cute. He told me that her name was Signe and also he told me that Crazy right?! He said that's there's always going to be a part of him that loves me. The reason is that there is none, unconditional love to say the least.

I wake up to Henry kissing my neck. I smile and stretch my legs, I feel Henry's hand go down into my stomach and rubs it lightly. I can practically feel his smile. I turn my head and Henry looks down at me.
"Morning angel eyes." He smiles.
I blush at that nickname, "Morning."
He leans down and kisses me once more.
I yawn, "What time is it?"
"Six thirty." He replies.
"Shouldn't you be getting ready for school?" I ask.
"Yeah." He responds.
"Then why aren't you up?" I ask.
"Cause I like you being in my arms." He smiles.
"Hmm well in a few days, we won't be able to do this for long." I smile.
"That's gonna suck ass." He says and pulls away from me. He gets up and goes to my-well our-bathroom.
I sigh happily and I lay on my back. I grab my phone from my bedside table not even looking that way, like a boss. It's so awesome that the school let me take this month and next month off. It's sort of like a second summer really. I open up YouTube and I hear the shower start. I put on My Mix and grab my headphones. I put them on and I feel the world disappear.

I sit on the couch and Chica is on the opposite side of the couch sleeping and turn on the TV. I start to surf channels when I feel something wet on my sweatpants. I get up to see a wet spot on the couch. I look at it confused. I feel a huge gush coming out from that area.
"Oh shite." I mutter. I waddle to Mark's bedroom/recording room. His recording room is now the nursery. I open the door with some force. Mark jumps from his game and turns from his screen to me.
"What's wrong sis?" He asks clearly worried.
"Mywaterbroke." I say in one breath.
"Wha? He cocks his head to the side.
"My...water...broke." I say taking in deep breaths.
His eyes shot open and he turns off his recording.
"G-go down to the living room and call Henry. I'll pack some stuff for you." I nod and go downstairs while Mark passes me to my room.
I call up Henry and he answers after a few rings.
"Hey (Y/N) what's up?" He asks concerned.
I was about to respond when a contraction hit.
"Ugh...fuck...m-my...fuck my life...water broke." I finally got out.
"What?!" He exclaims.
"J-just get here." I say as my first contraction ends.
"I'll be right there, I love you." He hangs up and I put my phone in my pocket. Another contraction hits me like a bus and I tense up in pain.
"Ah fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck." I groan and I feel my nails digging into my hands every passing second.
I hear Mark coming down the steps and he appears in front of me like...magic.
"Sis, you alright?" He asks.
"No, I'm not alright you dumbass!" I groan.
He sighs, "Is Henry coming?" He asks.
I nod as my contraction ends.
The door opens up and I look to see Henry in front of me.
"Now you're hear, you carry her to the car." Mark says and Henry picks me up with a grunt. I hear Mark grab something, I'm pretty sure it's my bag. Henry starts carrying me out the front door and he takes me to the car.

I lay in my hospital bed and Henry is right beside holding my hand and Mark is sitting down in the chair beside Henry. I'm sweating profusely and I feel like my body will catch on fire. Contractions come and go and they get closer to each other. I'm so close to 10mm but yet I'm 9mm. Argh fuck my life!
Another contraction hits and I squeeze Henry's hand hard as I hear the door open. I look to see my doctor coming in and picking up a clipboard.
"Is she ready doctor?" Mark asks.
The doctor looks for some time and looks at me, "Yeah, its time."
He leaves and then returns with some people and some equipment. The doctor gets a stool and sits between in my legs.
"Okay, I want you to push but remember to take deep breaths." The doctor says.
I nod and I push.

"I see a head." The doctor says and I feel a surge of energy pulse threw me and I give it my all. I start pushing with all my might. I feel something leave my body and crying filled the room. I look to see my first baby covered in blood and crying.
"We got one more and I can see the head." The doctor urges me on and I push with all my might. I see the first baby handed over to Henry with a pink blanket around her.
I keep on pushing and I feel once again something leaving my body. I see my second baby just like my first baby; covered in blood and crying. I sigh and smile in pure happiness as I look at my two daughters.
One nurse takes the baby out of Henry's hands and they take them behind the curtain. I look at Mark and tears are brimming his eyes.
I flick my eyes to Henry and he looking at me with a smile.
"I love you (Y/N)." He says.
"I love you too." I reply.
He leans down and kisses me.
He pulls away and I turn my head to see one of the nurses holding the kids. She hands them to me and goes behind the curtain. I smile at both of them and Henry grabs one of them. I notice they are sleeping soundly.
"Ms. Fischbach?" I look up to see the doctor.
"Yes?" I reply.
"Your two kids are up-to-date on shots, the first girl weighs 6 pounds, the second girl weighs 6 pounds and 3 ounces, they both have the same height which is 19 inches." The doctor says.
"Oh thank you doctor." I smile.
"I'll give you guys some alone time." He nods and leaves the room.
"Can I hold her?" Mark asks.
I look to see Henry giving Mark and he starts cuddling the girl. I smile at that and I look down at the girl in my arms. She is looking at me with my eyes, color and all. I start to notice the mix features in her; Henry's nose, my butt chin, and Henry's cheeks.
"Hello sunshine." I smile at her.
She just stares at me with the most blank face. I giggle at that and I look at Henry and Mark.
"What are we gonna name them? Henry asks looking at her in my arms.
"I was thinking Mia-M for Mark-and Ellie in dedication to Aiden." I reply.
"Aiden?" Henry asks.
"He was my best friend when I was little." I respond.
"Where is he now?" He asks.
"Dunno." I look at the kid in my arms.
"What happened?" He requests.
"Some say he moved, some say he died, some say he locked himself in his room. To be honest, I honestly think he ran away." I respond.
"Oh so how does Ellie come into play?" He asks.
"We used to play pretend and we had an imaginary child. Well we named her Ellie." I look at Henry with a smile.
"Well I actually like those names but who's gonna be who?" He nods towards the girls.
"I want to name this one Ellie." I say.
"Then this will be Mia." He nods to Mia in Mark's arms.
There's a knock on the door and I look up. The doctor comes him, "Sorry to bother you guys but I need you guys to answer some questions for the birth certificates."
"Oh okay." I reply.
"Who's the father?" He asks.
"I am." Henry speaks up.
"Name?" The doctor asks.
"Henry Hart." The doctor scribbles it down on his clipboard.
"What are the names for the two girls?" The doctor asks.
"The one in my arms is Ellie and the one in my brother's arms is Mia." I smile at Henry.
The doctor scribbles the information down, "Last name?"
"Hart." I say without thinking.
"Thank you for your time." The doctor leaves.
"Why did you give Ellie and Mia my last name?" Henry asks.
I look at him, "I have no clue but I'm glad that they will have your last name."
He smiles and leans down to kiss me.
"Mark?" I call out.
"Yeah?" He replies.
"Can I have Mia?" I ask.
He comes over to me and hands her over to me. I smile at the both of them and I notice Mia is the complete opposite face features: Henry's eyes, my nose, Henry's chin, and my cheeks. It's quite a sight really and you know what I can't be any happier with what I got now.

Lots Of Love

Cheyenne (0)~~~

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