Chapter 10: My Brother Is...

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"I'm all ears." He said in calm tone.

I start to tell him everything that happened that day.

Once I'm finished he just let out a sigh.

"What?!" I ask.

"*sigh* (N/N) you need to talk to him, the key to a good relationship is telling each other everything." He says.

"I guess I can do that... But what happens if he-" I'm interrupted by him saying,

"He's not going to hate you if you tell him everything. He needs to know!" He explains.

"Fine, you win." I sigh with a hint of playfulness.

"I always win sis." He giggles.

"*laughs* Wait aren't I interrupting your recording?!" I gasp.

"No you didn't but I would take a phone call from you even if I was in the middle of recording, my fans can wait but you cannot." He says and I can hear the smile from his end.

"Awwwww, you love your little sister." I say in a baby voice.

"Shut up!" He says practically laughing.

We laugh for a while until he speaks up,

"Wait, are you busy tomorrow?" He asks.

"No, why?" I ask.

"Well I'm getting my hair dyed tomorrow and I want you to be there and with Henry too." He says.

"Why are you dying your hair?!" I ask shocked.

"First, it's for a charity live stream I did. Second, the color is going to pink like my logo. Finally, my friend Jack is doing it but his is going to be a vibrant green like his logo. He says sighing

"I didn't need all of that information but what part of your hair are you dyeing?" I ask.

"Only the fluffy part." He says and again I can hear the smile.

"Awe and that was the only part I liked about you." I say sarcastically.

"Har Har, very funny, (Y/N). By the way I'm picking you guys up at noon so we can get some lunch and I can meet this boyfriend of yours." He says.

"Oh okay well I guess I should let you go so I can talk to him." I say.

"Okay! Night, love you!" He exclaims.

"Love you too! Night!" I say then I hung up.

I stay in the room for awhile before I mumble to myself, "I can't keep him waiting."

I run my fingers through my (H/C) hair before I get up and opened the door.

The hallway was dark so everyone must be asleep. I took that into consideration and I tiptoe to Henry's room.

I open his door and closed it when I get inside.

I could tell it was a full moon by how Henry was illuminated by the moonlight streaming peacefully through his open window.

God he looked fucking gorgeous.

And he is all mine.

I stare at him and he would see me cause his back was to me and if he did see, that would be awkward.

I'm in a daydream until an all-too-familiar voice rangs out.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." Henry said groggily.

I stand there in shock, not even daring to move a muscle.

Henry turns over and looks at me and asks with worry, "(Y/N)? Are you okay? Did you have a bad dream?"

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