Chapter 35: A Somewhat Perfect Life

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It's quite a sight really and you know what I can't be any happier with what I got now.

I'm sitting down with Henry on my couch with in my arms and in his arms. Mark is in the kitchen making some food for the four of us. I couldn't have a greater brother and if there is one, I wouldn't trade Mark in. A lot of people are coming today to see Ellie and Mia since I didn't want anyone there at the hospital with me. I just wanted it to be Henry and Mark in there. I wonder if Haley has already left for tour and I wonder how's the baby doing.
"Hey babe?" Henry asks interrupting my thoughts.
"Yeah?" I reply.
"Charlotte just texted me and said her and Jasper are coming right now and she also said that Jasper and her have a present for Ellie and Mia." He responds and smiles at me.
"Awe that's sweet of them." I smile brightly and I do a silly face at Ellie making her giggle.
"Do you know when Haley and/or Ray coming?" I continue.
"Haley told me Ray and her are coming after Ray is done with work." He replies.
"He owns that shop soooo?" I ask.
"He has to make money somehow." Henry chuckles.
"I guess but I feel bad for Mark." I say looking at Mia.
"Why?" He asks.
"I mean there's us, Jasper and Charlotte, and Haley and Ray that are couples and he's the odd one out." I sigh.
"Well you're right there." Henry responds.
He leans in and kisses me and the doorbell rings.

"I'll get it!" Mark yells from the kitchen and I see him walk to the front door. He opens the door and I see Charlotte and Jasper coming in and Charlotte has a gift box in hand. The three of them greet each other and I see Mark walk back into the kitchen.
"Hey guys!" Charlotte smiles at the four of us.
"Hai Charlotte, hey Jasper." I smile at them.
"Hey lovebirds." Henry snickers next to me.
"Shut up, you babo." Charlotte snaps jokingly. (Dumbass)
"When did you learn Korean?" I ask raising an eyebrow.
"Eh, just knew it, but here Jasper and I got Ellie and Mia a present." Charlotte hands me the gift box and I grab it with my free hand.
"Thanks guys, us four appreciate it. One of you guys want to hold Ellie so I can open this baby up?" I smile.
"I'll hold her." Jasper responds.
"Remember to hold her head." I hand over Ellie to Jasper and he nods and takes her hesitantly.
"Just relax Jasper, she doesn't bite." I say in a calm tone.
I see him relax and I smile.
"Do you want to hold Mia, Char?" Henry asks.
"Sure!" She replies and I see Henry handing Mia over to Charlotte. She takes her into her arms like a mother would.
I look down to the gift box and I open it to see these . I pull them both out and smile.
"Awe, thanks you guys." I smile and I show Henry.
"They're so cute." Henry says.
"Mark, get your German and Korean butt in here!" I call out.
Mark comes in from the kitchen, "You called?"
"Look at these cute clothes, Charlotte and Jasper bought for the girls." I show them to him with a smile on my face.
"They're cute." He replies and I feel like Mark is...sad."
"Mark?" I ask looking worried.
"I'll be in the kitchen." Mark sulks off to the kitchen.
I turn to them, "Excuse me guys." I fold up the clothes and put them in the box. I get up and go to the kitchen to see Mark hunched over the island and running his fingers through his hair.

"Mark, what's wrong?" I ask.
"I can't stand being without her, (Y/N)...I can't be complete without Natalie." Mark sighs.
I go over to him and I start to rub his back.
"I love her so much and I...I need her." Mark sobs.
"Mark, I know you're not gonna like what I'm going to say but if you go to Ireland, she could be with another guy already! That flight would be worth nothing told her to find someone that she can be close to. I yell at him.
"Don't you think I know that?!" Mark turns around with tears in his eyes.
"Mark..." I say.
"Don't you think that I've already thought about that? I'm not dumb unlike you who got pregnant at 15." Mark snaps at me.
I slap him across the face for the first time in my life with tears brimming my eyes.
"How dare you say that to me?!" I clench my fists in anger.
He looks at me with anger in his eyes then they turn to sad eyes.
"(Y/N)...I'm so sorry, I-I didn't mean to say that." He hesitantly walks towards me.
"I'm...sorry as well...I didn't mean to slap you." I say looking down.
"I deserved it." He sighs.
I pull him into a tight hug.
I pull away after a while and I wipe his tears, "I better go back out there and we can just order some pizza, Mark."
"Alright sis, whatever you say." He smiles and messes up my hair.
I chuckle and fix it then I go back out to see Ellie and Mia in their new clothes and the three of them talking to one another.
"Hey guys." I smile at them.
"Hey baby, Haley and Ray are on their way." Henry says.
"Ight." I go over to Mia and pick her up.
I sit back down on the couch and I start to play with Mia then the doorbell rings.

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