Chapter 13: Asked Out?

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Henry looks at me and says, "Us at our wedding."

"W-what? O-our wedding?!" I stuttered.

"Yeah, sorry about that forwardness but I've been having these dreams about us...there was one at our 20 year wedding anniversary, one where we are cuddling our child, one where I'm at your grave...(Y/N), you are my life, my everything...I love you so much (Y/N)." Henry looked into my eyes and I knew right at that moment that he wasn't kidding.

I just kissed him back with all my love and devotion going into that kiss.

He kissed back.

I think we knew it would turn into a make out session.

Unfortunately, we got a soft knock at the window and we pulled back to see the girl that was doing Mark's hair. Blushing, I quickly nodded and got sorted out as did Henry.

We jumped out of the car and Henry grabbed my hand; squeezing it gently. We got inside and made way to the hair part of it and there was Mark with the fluffy part of his hair vibrant hot pink that stood out like a bright light in the middle of darkness.

"Wow, you look amazing!" I let go and run to Mark to play with his hair.

Henry followed behind me with a smile that screamed, "Wow!"

"Awe don't mess it up, I just got it done!" Mark whined and stuck out his tongue.

"Well, your dyed hair wants me to mess it up even more." I giggled and Henry came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me.

"God, your relationship is goals, I'm not kidding." Mark sighed but with a smile.

I smiled and blushed and Henry kissed my cheek which made me blush even more.

"Well she is my life so technically she is my goal." Henry smiled.

Now I was full on blushing and I could die of blushing.

I sighed and bit my lip, "Stap, you're making me blush!" I stuck out my tongue.

"Ah, you love me." He smiled.

I rolled my eyes then Mark cleared his throat. "Before you starting f*cking each other, I need to get you guys home."

I gave a death glare to him before I agreed with Henry agreeing too.

Henry and I were in his room watching some Doctor Who when Henry flipped me over so he was hovering over me.

"Henry! Get off of- I was interrupted when he forcefully kissed me.

I managed to push him off and slap him across the face. "Don't you dare do that again!" I yelled.

"What was that for?!" He rubbed the side of his face where I slapped him.

"Don't play the dumb card, Henry Hart! We talked about this for god sakes not even 8 hours later you do this shite again!" I retorted back then I jump up from his bed and move to his open window.

"Babe...I'm sorry...I let my hormones take over a-and I just couldn't take it anymore!" He cried out and somehow there was a part of me that believed him.

"Henry...I just need to cool down for a while and plus I need to have some time with Mark...I'll see you at school then..." I looked down and bit my lip.

Henry came over and lifted my head; kissing me softly then I jumped out the window.

The rest of the day was uneventful, it was just me and my thoughts since Mark was out and about shopping or what not. The next day though I woke up to a text message not from Henry but from Charlotte saying to meet her at Hot Topic. It was very odd indeed since A: she doesn't go into Hot Topic and B: she doesn't even like getting near it. I got up and got ready since I was meeting her at Hot Topic, why not wear the shite they have in there!

I soon got dressed in

I grabbed my phone and ran out of the house, yelling to Mark that I was going to be at the mall and I made it to the mall in no time. I soon saw Charlotte in front of Hot topic looking like a nervous wreck. Uh oh.

I walked up to her and said, "Hai Charlotte, are you alright?"

"Jasper asked me out..." She bluntly said.

"Oh my god I'm happy for you! I knew you guys would- wait why aren't you happy?" I looked at her worried.

"I am but...if this relationship doesn't work, it'll ruin our friendship!" She exclaimed.

I sighed then said, "It's a risk you have to take but you have to be ready too."

She smiled, "I think I am...I mean I fell in love with his dumbass." She then giggled.

"So yeah, you should go out with him." I said after some silence.

"Alright, so how are you and Henry?" She asked.

I responded, "Pretty good but his raging hormones took over and we are not talking terms." I sighed.

She muttered something under breath.

"You want to repeat that?" I asked with a hint of sass.

She sighed, "Also cause he's not a virgin anymore."

I gasped, "Wait what?!"

"He never told you?" She asked curiously.

"Unless I was black out drunk then no." I said.

"I'm sorry and by the way it was in an elevator."She sighed.

"Who was it?" I asked knowing that bitch was gonna be dead.

"She goes to our school, Bianca...please don't kill her." She sighed.

"Dammit anyways were they together?" I asked.

"Yeah until he caught a glimpse of you and their relationship was done." She smiled.

"So I ended their relationship by Henry looking at" I sighed.

"Yeah but don't worry about it, he says he regrets it so I would take his word." She smiled.

"Maybe but since we're here, let's go hangout!" I smiled.

"Alright." She smiled back.

We messed around in the mall for awhile shopping and what not. We were having tons of fun until I got a text from Mark. 'Henry wants you to come over to his house ASAP and sis, use protection ;)' I texted back saying, 'I'll be right there and fuck you -.-'

He texted back, 'Love you'

I put my phone away, "So Henry wants to talk to me and apparently its I have to go, I'll see you at school tomorrow."

"Bye!" She said then I turn to run to his house.

Lots of Love

Cheyenne (0)~~~

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