Chapter 6: New Couple?

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"We what, Charlotte?" I said getting a little impatient.

"When we were coming back, not finding any of your belongings, I slipped and was about to hit the floor but Jasper catched me and we looked at each other and we........kissed..." Charlotte said looking down at her feet.

I sat there in shock.

"Please don't tell anyone this, the only people that need to know is Henry and you." Charlotte said still looking at her feet.

"I wont but this doesn't seem the only thing to be bothering you, Char." I stated.

"I wont lie but I liked the kiss and I may be falling in love with him..." Charlotte said bringing her knees to her chest and started to cry.

"Shush, It'll be okay, but you need to let this take its course though." I said rubbing her back gently.

"I cant believe i'm doing this, crying over love." Charlotte said laughing a bit.

"Hey, who knew I would end up with Henry." I said smiling.

"Well, everyone did even before you guys even met each other." Charlotte said bring her head up, laughing.

"Life is one hell of a roller coaster, isn't it." I said.

"Indeed." Charlotte said.

---3rd Person---

Something happened between Charlotte and Jasper, Henry needed to find out well after 5 minutes out of the room, Jasper texted him saying this: Henry, Charlotte and I kissed on the way back to (Y/N) room. She fell and I caught her and we looked at each other and yeah we kissed. I very much liked the kissed but the thing is that I may be falling for her Henry. Don't tell anyone, please. The only one that knows is (Y/N) and now you.

He looked at my phone with shock but he instantly smiled and texted back: Well, that's nice but I knew you liked her ever since we started to have lunch in that area.

Jasper smiled at him and they then walked back into the room.

Henry and Jasper walked in the room to find Charlotte and I laughing.

"What's so funny, (N/N)?" Henry asked.

"Charlotte told me about that time where you started to scream in class for no reason." I laughed.

"Really Char?!" Henry rolled his eyes.

"It was funny alright, anyway its time to get outta here." I said getting up.

"Let me pick you up, (N/N)." Henry said picking me up and carrying me out the room and the hospital with Charlotte and Jasper behind us.

(Outside the hospital)

Henry's mom was outside with the car running.

"Hi mom!" Henry said still carrying me.

"Hello Henry and hi (Y/N)." She said opening the door to passenger seat in the front.

Henry put me in seat and gave me a kiss on the cheek and then closing the door.

Henry got in the seat behind me and Charlotte in the middle so Jasper took the left side.

"Hey mom, can you drop (Y/N) and I at my work, please?" Henry asked.

"Sure honey but who's going to be your ride though?" Henry's mom asked.

"We can get a ride from my boss." Henry said.

Even though I can act natural, I know something was up.

Lots of love

Cheyenne (0)~~~

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