Chapter 19: I'm Nothing Without You...

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"Would you call her your friend if she was the one that pushed you down, called you a worthless slut, knocked you out, and put you in the hospital?" Henry asks.

I honestly felt sick to my stomach when those acid words came out of Henry's mouth. I turned to Bianca which she was looking at with scared eyes and her mouth open; trying to find the words to speak.
"I'm s-s-so sor-I didn't let her finish as I slapped her across the face. Hard.
"I can't believe you would do this! I was going to my blood for god fooking sakes!!!" I screamed in betrayal and anger.
She looked down in hurt and I turned to Henry which had his mouth opened as did all of our audience.
I went up to him really up close and personal and said. "It's your fault that you didn't tell me about not talking to her."
With that I furiously walked away, giving Henry a hard shoulder shove hearing that he said ow. 'I have to go home, I have to get out of here...I can't stand this anymore.' I thought.
I found myself in front of the school and I then took a deep breath of fresh air. I pulled out my phone and dialed Mark.
"Hello sis! Everything alright?" He asked with concern.
"Nothing is ever alright." I sniffled.
"What are you talking about, (Y/N)?" Mark asked again with concern.
"Just please pick me up and take me home....I don't want to be here anymore." I pleaded.
"Alright, go to class so it won't be suspicious." Mark sighed.
"I don't want to go to class, I can't stand it." I said sniffling.
"What the hell are you talking about (Y/N) Fischbach?!" He screamed into the phone.
"JUST COME AND FOOKING GET ME!!!" I screamed back and hung up.
I sighed and went to the office. I went to the man at the front desk and told him that my brother was going to pick me up. The man nodded and told to sit down on one of the chairs. I did and I pulled a jacket out of my backpack then I put it on with the hood up so no one can recognize me. I put my earbuds in and shuffled my songs and "Hello Heartache" and I started to mouth the words as they came pouring into my ears.

(Verse 1)
You were perfect...I was unpredictable.
It was more than worth it...but not too sensible.
Young and foolish...that seem to be the way.
I was think that I could stay.
Oh think that I could stay.


Goodbye my friend...Hello heartache.
It's not the end...It's not the same.
Wish it didn't have to be this way but...You and I will spin the world to make love.
Goodbye my friend...Hello heartache.
La la la la la la la...Hello heartache...La la la la la la la.(Verse 2)I was champagne...You were Jameson.
Every bad thing...But it was so much fun.
I seen your best side...You got to see my worst.
It's not the first time...But this one really hurts.
Yea, this one's gonna... it hurts...

Tears were already falling as the song hit hard to my feelings and I looked up from my phone-which had tear droplets on the screen-and Mark's hand was in front of me. I took it hesitantly and he gently grabbed around my small hand and took me to his car. I opened up my side and got in. I didn't even bother to put my seat belt on, all I want now is to die. Mark put it on anyway and closed my door then he did the same thing on his side. He pulled out of the parking lot and started to drive back home. He pulled off my hood and my earbuds out which was still playing music.
"(Y/N)...I'm sorry that I yelled at you...just please tell me what's wrong." He pleads with a solemn voice.
"It's fine...I'm sorry that I yelled at you too...but you know the girl that I was going to give my blood to?" I look at him.
"Yeah." He replies.
"Well that girl is Henry's ex and we started talking and became friends. Well Henry found out and we had a huge fight today at lunch. He said that her and I can't be friends cause I'm-was-his girlfriend and she is his ex and apparently girlfriends and exes can't be friends! Well you know I was knocked out and put into the hospital? Well I didn't know who did it and I found out today that the girl that was my 'friend' did that." I breathed heavily for the lack of breath I got from that sentence.
"Wait was his girlfriend?! You mean he broke up with you?!" Mark shocked and looked at me.
"I'm going to have to break up with's too much for me to handle." The tears start to flood my eyes again.
"I'm going to kill him and that girl too!" He growled, gripping the steering wheel tighter.
"Please don't..." The tears start to drip down onto my lap and my hands.
Mark must have noticed that I started crying cause he started to pet my hair softly.
My phone started to ring-which laid on my lap- and I looked at it. It was Charlotte. I didn't answer...I just couldn' heart would only hurt more if I answered it.
"Who's that?" Mark asked.
"It's Charlotte..." I looked out the window.
"Answer it, I'll speak to her." Mark stated.
I answered it and put it on speaker then Mark greeted. "Hello Charlotte."
He talked to her and asked questions which I didn't pay mind to. He soon hung up and said. "She was worried about you."
"Nah, she's not. Henry put her up to it." I say with no emotion.
Mark sighs.
We get home and I get out of the car and went into the house then into my bedroom where I put on depressing songs and flops onto my bed.

The next day I woke up in my bathroom with dried blood on my wrists. I groaned and got up from the bathroom floor and I looked at the clock. It read 4:30. 'Shite well I better get ready and get all this blood off my wrists also hide my blade.' I thought to myself. I went to the mirror and I looked like a fooking mess. 'God the only thing I remember is that, I started crying and I went to the bathroom, got out a blade and started cutting. I must have fell asleep...' I thought to myself again. I got in the shower and cleaned off the blood and body. I got out and did my morning routine and I didn't care what I put on so I just put on my Markiplier sweatshirt and black pants with converse. I also just left my hair down cause I honestly don't give two fooks about myself anymore.
I hide my blade in my dresser and I was going back to sleep but a wave of nausea came over me and I ran to the toilet and did my thing.
'What the hell, I guess my body can't handle this situation.' I thought to myself. I brushed my teeth again and I went back to bed.
The day went by slow, I avoided everyone, got out of classes 5 minutes early so I can exchange my things and find a new place to hide to either get to my next class or break/lunch. I was now entering my last period of the day, Math with Ms. Nuttle. 'I remember when I couldn't wait to be in this class. I only loved this class cause Henry and Charlotte were here.' I thought to myself. I went up to the teacher and asked for the stuff I missed yesterday-which wasn't much-then I went to my desk. The bell rang and I can feel Henry and Charlotte's eyes on me.
The lesson went on but I couldn't concentrate which the whispers I can hear from Henry which every one he said made me turn more pale, broke my heart more, and make me feel sick to my stomach like yesterday.
'I have to get out of here, I feel like I'm going to pass out.' I thought to myself.
The teacher then told us to get supplies for our hands on part of the lesson. So everyone got up and I did to, only with shaky legs. I try to walk by myself but I couldn't without the help of the desks. I kept my eyes on the floor, trying not to look at anyone. I kept on walking but I can feel eyes looking at me as I made way to the supplies. I sort of look up and I could see Henry's arms in front of me ready to catch me.
Then I black out...

Lots of Love

Cheyenne (0)~~~

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