Chapter 16: Bianca

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I kiss him and you know what happens next ;)

We continue those 'activities' for next three days but last night 'activity' we had to do it in Mark's car and let me tell you, worst place to do it EVER. Yes, it was sort of comfortable but yeah it is really not a good place to do it. Anyways Henry's parents came home and we had to resort to a car. I was trying to stay awake in my 4th period-which was Art-cause Henry wanted to do new erm...'positions' in the car -_-. The lunch bell finally rang and I was gonna get up but I was stopped by someone grabbing my hand. I immediately turned around and it was girl that was my age that I've seen around school.
"Can I help you with something?" I speak up.
"My name is Bianca and I need to tell you something big." Bianca says looking me in the eye.
"You! Why are you talking to me?" I pull my hand away in disgust.
"Just hear me out here...please, you are the only that can know not even Henry." Bianca looks down.
I feel remorse and nod.
"What blood type are you?" She asks.
"Are you a vampire?" I retort back.
"Just answer the damn question, (Y/N)." She scowls.
"I'm AB negative, why?" I ask.
"I need a blood transfusion cause of my Thrombocytopenia disease." Bianca looking straight at me.
"Thromb-what?" I ask cornfused.
"Thrombocytopenia is a disease that the person has lower platelets in their blood." Bianca says matter-of-factly.
"I'm sorry so I'm guessing you need a blood transfusion from me?" I ask.
"Yeah, can you?" She respond.
"Totally but how did you know that?" I ask a bit cornfused.
"Know what?" She replies.
"Don't play the dumb card, Bianca! Why did you ask me and only me?!" I retort back.
"I may have...snooped around." Bianca looks down.
I snort, "Well then!"
"I'm sorry...but can you still?" Bianca looks around.
"Yeah, don't when am I doing this?" I ask.
"After school, meet by the front of the school and I'll take you there." Bianca states.
"Alright, see ya!" I left and start to run to where we have lunch every day.

Lunch and the last two periods went by super fast and I found myself walking fast to Bianca.
I got there. "C'mon now!" Bianca grabs my hand and starts to dragging me to the hospital.
We got there in no time and I was taken in a room for questioning.
I sat down and the nurse then asked, "What is your full name?"
"(Y/N) Fischbach." I respond.
"Are you sexually active?" The nurse follows up.
I gulp, "Yes, yes I am."
The nurse kept on asking questions, after that she wrote what I'm assuming to be my answers.
"C'mon, we are going to do a blood test on you." The nurse said getting up.
I followed her to a room where they do the blood tests and I then sat down;putting down the arm rest then putting my-left-arm on it.
The nurse did my blood test which didn't really hurt and then she went away.

She came back with a solemn face and looked at me with worried eyes.
"Is anything wrong?" I ask concerned.
"We can't do a blood transfusion..." She replies.
"Why not?" I ask getting up.
The nurse left and I was left with my thoughts.
"Is there something wrong with me?!"

Lots of Love

Cheyenne (0)~~~

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