Chapter 26: New Years Eve Part 2

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I sigh, 'Well shite."

I come back to my house with a loud sigh which got Mark's attention who was sitting on the couch watching TV.
"What's wrong sis?" He asks.
"Haley said that Henry still loves me and blah blah blah." I sigh and flop on the couch next to him.
He sighs, "Will you ever let him see the baby?"
"Maybe, he just hurt me way too much that I just dunno." I look down.
Mark grabs me and cuddles with me, "It's his baby as well (Y/N)."
"I know..." My voice trails off.
"Why didn't you guys use protection?" He asks.
"We were being stupid and it was heat in the moment." I answer.
"Did you even want to become pregnant?" Mark asks.
"Later on in my life, yeah...but I don't want to give the baby up or do a abortion." I look down.
He sighs and started petting my hair softly then he starts humming a tune.
"Mark?" I speak up.
"Yes?" He answers.
"Do you like Natalie?" I ask.
No answer came from him like I didn't say anything to him so I ask again, "Mark, do you like Natalie?"
"Ummmmm." That was all you got as an answer.
"Well?" I ask again.
"I-I won't say." He stutters.
"Pleaseeeee, I won't tell a soul." I plead looking at him with puppy dog eyes.
"Okay fine....I do have a crush on her but it doesn't matter anymore." He sighs.
"Why doesn't it matter anymore?" I ask a bit worried.
"You'll find out soon." He says and gets up from the couch then goes upstairs.
I sigh and run my fingers through my hair then I rub my hand on my belly.
"Don't you worry baby, everything is going to be okay." I whisper to my belly.

It was an hour before we had to leave for the New Year's Eve fireworks and Nat and I were sitting down on my floor, doing each others make up. I was doing her makeup and I ask, "So do you like Mark?"
Her cheeks turn pink and I smile, "So you do like him?"
"Well he is cute." She smiles.
"You didn't answer my question." I state while putting on eye shadow on her.
"Okay, maybe I do." She smiles widely.
"Yay!" I exclaim happily.
She giggles and I do the rest of her make up. After that, she puts mine on.
"Outfit time!" She laughs and I laugh as well. I get up and pull our outfits that we made a few hours earlier. I go into my bathroom and I put on this . I come out to Nat in this .
"You'll definitely take Mark's breath away." I chuckle.
"Same can be said with Jack." She smiles.
"Do you know what time is it?" I ask.
"We have about 15 minutes before we have to leave, want to go downstairs to the boys?" She asks.\
"Lets a go!" I say in a Mario voice.
We go downstairs where the boys are wearing formal shirts and pants.
"Hey boys." I say when we leave the last step.
They turn around and the boys stare at us with Jack drooling a bit. I come up to him and I wipe the drool from the corner of his mouth.
"Do you guys want to go now since we can beat the traffic?" Mark asks.
"Mhm." I nod and I grab Jack's hand which he intertwines with mine. I see out the corner of my eye that Mark and Nat did the same thing. We get to this and we go onto the balcony. The night had already settled in for its shift and hours pass by talking and having fun with the gang.

It was 5 minutes to New Years and we all go out to the balcony. I lean over the rail and look at the night sky, I feel Jack pulling me up and embracing me.
I can feel his lips going down to my ear, "Ye look so beautiful tonight."
"Thank you Jack..." I say in a hush whisper.
It was comfortable silence between us then the crowd below starts counting down. We start counting down as well then everyone yells.
Jack looks at me and I look back...and our lips meet.
His lips were so soft like his skin. He pulls me closer as we started to make out. I wrap my arms around his neck and he wraps his arms around my waist.
We pull away with blush on our cheeks and he gently grabs my hand the whispers, "Be mine."
I only nod and smile. I turn around to see the most cutest thing ever, Mark and Nat are kissing.
"Well they got together." Jack says behind me.
"Mhm." I nod.

It was now February and I was well into my second month. Jack and I have been dating for a month now and same goes with Mark and Nat. A few days later after New Years, Jack and Nat had to leave for Ireland. It was a sad goodbye but Jack and I Skype every night. Mark and Nat just call each other like losers. School started again and I was bombarded with questions about the baby, Henry and Jack. That lasted for about a week then it slowly died down. The baby is healthy well babies. My doctor said that it looks like it could be twins but they are not for sure. Today was Friday and that means a group chat with Mark, Jack, Nat, and me.
Math class couldn't go any faster but Henry kept on staring at me which was creeping me out. I gave him the death stare and he stops. The bell finally rings and school is dismissed which I run out of the classroom. Mark is out in the front of the school sitting in his car and I get in. We soon got home and as soon as I got in the house, the ringtone I gave for Jack rings. I pull out my phone and his text reads, 'Skype me ASAP'. I go to my room and I boot up my laptop which then I call him via video chat.
His face pops up on the screen and he was smiling. "Hey (Y/N), how's yer day been going?"
I'm shock that he didn't call me babe like he always does but I answer regardless, "Hey Jackaboy, my day was going well but Henry kept on staring at me in math. How's your day been going?"
"Oh just recording videos." He replies and again I'm shock that he didn't comment on the Henry thing, usually he does a threat that would make me laugh.
"Did you hear about what happen with Henry today?" I ask.
He replies with a mhm.
"Why did you call me then if you didn't want to talk to me?" I ask.
A door was close on his end and he turns to look at me then says, "Brb."
He mutes it and just leaves me in shock...which makes me go do something else which was going on YouTube. I type in Say My Name and I click the video which then I start to sing the lyrics.
Any other day
I would call and you would say
Baby how's your day
But today, it ain't the same
Every other word
Is "uh-huh" yeah "okay"
Could it be that you
Are at the crib with another lady
If you took it there
First of all, let me say
I am not the one
To sit around, and be played
So prove yourself to me
I am the girl that you claim
Why don't you say the thangs
That you said to me yesterday...

He comes back into view, "I heard ye, no I'm not cheating." He looks at me with his icy blue eyes.
"Yet you act like I'm nothing before you left." I scoff.
"(Y/N), I called ye because well let me explain." He sighs.
"Shoot." I reply.
"(Y/N), I've done some thinking lately and well we need to break up. Don't say anything just let me explain. Continuing on, our relationship wouldn't work out because of long distance and you are 15, I'm 26. You need someone that is close with ye and I do too. Well I'm trying to say is that ye need to get back with Henry. Don't get mad at me but ye guys need each other. He's the father of the baby and I know ye still love him. Ye get that twinkle in yer eye whenever he is mentioned or ye talk about him. Please take him into consideration again. I know ye'll be happy with him in the end. We can still talk and be friends but know this, ye are beautiful and any guy would be lucky to have ye well not me. I do love ye (Y/N) with all my heart but ye belong with Henry." He starts tearing up which makes you tear up as well.
"Don't cry Jack, its fine...I understand completely...though you broke my heart." I look down.
"Just please take him back into consideration...for me." Jack pleads.
"Okay Jack." I say emotionless.
"I'll talk to ye later (Y/N)." He says also emotionless.
"Bye Jack." I end the call and I shut my laptop. I go into a fetus position and my eyes want to produce tears but they just can't but his words kept running through my mind.
"I know ye still love him...Ye get that twinkle in in yer eye whenever he is mentioned or ye talk about him...I know you'll be happy with him in the end...Ye belong with Henry."
Ye belong with Henry...
Ye belong with Henry...
Ye belong with Henry...

"Shut up!" I yell to myself. I then sigh and ask myself.
"Do I really love Henry?"

Lots Of Love

Cheyenne (0)~~~

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