Chapter 25: New Years Eve Part 1

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'This Christmas has been a good one...everything is perfect but yet everything went wrong before hand. I finally feel happy and just complete' I thought to myself with a pretty damn big smile.

A few days later and it's New Years Eve. I'm super excited cause A: Jack and Nat are still here B: We are gonna go out and shoot fireworks and C: I'm just happy. I wake up to my alarm clock blaring Second To None by Chris Crocker. I hit the snooze button and I try to go back to sleep. I didn't even get back to sleep when someone starts shaking me.
"Uhug...just give me five more minutes." I groan out.
"We have to get ready for this awesome day!" Nat shouts excitedly.
"Just five more minutes!" I groan out.
"I'll get Jack in here." She shakes me again.
My eyes shoot open and a blush spreads on my cheeks which I try to cover with my covers. I shut my eyes tight as my thoughts get clouded with Jack. The shaking stops and all is quiet which I take that opportunity to try to go back to sleep. That didn't last too long as someone is nipping at my neck and blush spreads on my cheeks once more.
"You are so cute." Jack whispers in my ear.
"W-what?" I stutter.
He gives me a toothy smile and whispers in my ear, "You are so cute especially when you blush."
"Are you trying to get me up?" I ask.
"Maybe." He starts nipping at my neck again.
I get up and I stretch my arms then I rub my eyes, I ask, "What time is it?"
He replies, "Almost 7:30."
I jump out of my bed and run to my closet trying to pick out clothes.
"What's the rush?" He asks.
"I have to meet up with Henry's sister Haley. She wants to talk to me about something important." I say desperately trying to find an outfit.
"Be safe baby, I don't want you to be approached by him and get hurt." He says hugging me from behind.
"I will but what do I wear?" I ask looking through my closet.
"Something casual." He says then continues, "I'll be in the kitchen babe." He kisses my cheek and leaves my room only leaving me and my thoughts.
I pick out something casual and I go to my bathroom and get ready. I come out in and I come down to the living room. I turn to go to the kitchen and I meet Jack's eyes which were staring at me. I walk over to the fridge and say, "You're drooling a bit Jack."
He immediately starts wiping his mouth and I giggle a bit as I got out some food.
"Lemon juice and a lime...really?" Mark exclaims from behind me.
"What? I'm craving it!" I giggle as I go over to the sink.
"And you have to deal with this for 9 months." Nat says behind me.
"Yep but I can deal with it." Mark says.
Natalie chuckles, "What was that song that was playing on your alarm clock?"
I blush like a tomato and starts pouring lemon juice on the lime.
"What song?" Mark asks.
"I dunno but the lyrics were 'He looks hot but does he make your heart stop? When you're getting busy in his piece of shit car.'" Nat states.
I put my head down in embarrassment and I put down the lemon juice.
"Just wow." Mark sighs.
"Shhezz (Y/N), I didn't know you were kinky." Jack chuckles.
I start to eat my lime with my head down.
"(Y/N)?" Nat asks.
"What?" I retort back.
"What's the song?" Nat asks.
"S-Second To Chris Crocker." I say.
Everyone start laughing and I threw my lime away, grab my phone, and I left the house.

Few hours later, Haley and I are sitting on a park bench drinking hot cocoa.
"So you wanted to meet me." I ask.
"Yeah, its about Henry." Haley says looking at me.
"Oh boy." I sigh.
"He's very depressed...he misses you tons." Haley sighs.
"Well he made his bed and now he has to lie in it." I say.
"Please give him another chance." Haley pleads.
"I can't..." I say.
"Why?" Haley asks.
"I have a boyfriend." I blurt out.
She looks at me shocked, "You what?"
"I have a boyfriend." I repeat myself.
"Who is he?" She asks.
"His name is Jack as in Jacksepticeye." I say with a smile.
"Oh please, you are dating Thee Jacksepticeye, next thing you'll say is that you attended Hogwarts." Haley scoffs.
"I am! He's visiting here for Christmas with his friend Natalie and her and Mark are dating as well." I half lie.
"Just wow." Haley sighs.
"Well he treats me better than Henry." I say.
"Not even two months later and you have a new rebound." Haley scoffs.
"Why do you care about my life now?" I retort back.
"I...just nevermind. Just so you know, Henry loves you and the baby...always." Haley says and gets up then leaves.
I sigh, 'Well shite."

Lots Of Love

Cheyenne (0)~~~

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