Chapter 31: Broken Mark

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I start to cry harder into my sheets as I fall asleep away from this horrid nightmare.

Just like February, March flew by in a blink of an eye though it wasn't even jammed pack. All I ever did, including Spring Break was avoid Charlotte, Jasper, Haley and especially Henry. After he tried to kiss me at the dance, I just can't face him in the fear, he's gonna come up to me A: apologize or B: try to kiss me again. I'm not having any of that. Back to the point though, besides avoiding them, I've been hanging out with Mark and being in a couple of videos. I've been talking to Nat a lot and god damn she is definitely perfect for Mark.

Anyways, I actually been talking to Jack a lot. Him and I have come on a friends basis once more. Though its still in our habits to call each other cute names we used to call each other when we were dating, we don't mind at all. The only sad part out of March and Spring Break is that I cry myself to sleep every single night sometimes even scream into my pillow which Mark comes in and stays there until I fall asleep again. Sigh, I'm slowly starting not to cry anymore mostly cause I just need to move on and just forget about him.

Though something big did happen in March that makes me smile every time I think about it. The big news is that I'm having twin girls! I'm so happy I get to have little girls but I also would be happy with boys but all in all I'll love them the same. I have no clue what I'm gonna name them but I like Ellie tons. I'm not too keen on Bella but it's there to come back to.

I'm currently sleeping peacefully, no screaming. I'm actually having a good dream about my kids, when my phone dings taking me out of my good dream. I growl and sneer at the ceiling and not even looking at where my phone laid. I grab it roughly and I mutter, "I swear to god if its Henry..." I open my phone and it reads

Text Message: Haley

"God fucking dammit, I don't want to hear any 'Henry really misses you' bullshite." I mutter and open the message to see a long ass message.
"Holy hell, this must be urgent or something." I sigh and start to read it.
Hey (Y/N), it's me, Haley. I just wanted to pop by
and say hi so hi and how-you know what fuck this
shit. The reason why I'm texting you is that I'm
going on tour and I'm pregnant. That's right...
I'm pregnant with Ray's baby. A 20 year old and
a popular signer is pregnant with her
boyfriend. Man I can see that line in all the
headlines now. Well I can't say I'm too young
cause you are a 15 year old that's knocked up
by her,now ex,boyfriend. Besides that, I'm going
on tour in September and I'm gonna be gone for a
year. It's actually a world tour but well I'm pregnant.
Travelling is not good for the baby so well I could
call it off until later on but that's not the case. I
can't call it off cause a lot of people are depending
on me and I just don't want to let anyone down. I
could that bad thing or give it up for adoption.
I couldn't do that bad thing, I would feel guilty the
rest of my life but that's the only way to do it quick
and are the only one that knows about

this now. Please don't tell Ray, I don't want him to know
right now. Anyways you don't have to reply to this but
I feel like you are the only person that understands,
though you avoid me. Anyways I'll come by before I
leave if you want me too. Bye (Y/N).

"That was...interesting...but she told me and Henry that she was disappointing in us for doing it so young and yet she gets pregnant by Ray and they've been together for three months...sigh I do feel bad for her, maybe I'll get her something for the baby or give her some moolah." I say in my head and I yawn.
"Nighty night." I once again fall to sleep.

I wake up and I raise my arms above my head. Thank god it was Saturday. I rub my belly with a smile and I start muttering some lullabies.
There was a sniffle.
I look up to see Mark with a tear stained face, red cheeks, bloodshot eyes and messy hair.
"Holy hell! What's wrong Mark?" I sit up and look at him clearly worried.
More tears fall from his eyes and I open my arms signaling him to come to me. He does and starts crying on my shoulder.
"Shhh...its okay Mark." I rub his back.
"I-I did it..." Mark sobs.
"Did what Mark?" I ask still rubbing his back.
"I broke up with her..." He sobs more.
I push him away. "You what?!" I say a bit angry.
"I can't take it anymore (Y/N). I love her so much but I want her by my side everyday!" Mark cries.
"She can move in with us Mark, its not a problem with me." I retort back.
"She has a life there in Ireland, not here with us!" Mark cries.
"She can start over again with you being her lovely boyfriend!" I yell at him.
"You don't understand (Y/N)." He cries again.
"I do Mark. I was with Jack for a month!" I yell at him again.
He sighs, "I just need some comfort (Y/N)."
I open my arms again and he embraces me once more.
"I can't forgive you for breaking Nat's heart but I understand the pain of hurting someone you love." I say holding him tight.

Lots Of Love

Cheyenne (0)~~~

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