Epilogue Part 1

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  After high school, Henry proposes to me with this beautiful in front of Mark, Nat, Charlotte, Jasper, Haley, Ray, Their kid David, and our 1 year old girls who look like us more and more every day. I would say roughly 8 months after proposing to me, we get married in a beautiful venue and Ellie and Mia are our flower girls, Charlotte and Haley are my bridesmaids and Natalie is my maid of honor. Mark is Henry's best man since he didn't want to see Mark and Natalie without each other. But before high school ended, Henry moved in with me so he can be closer to the girls and Nat moved in with us so she can be with Mark. It was very chaotic in the mornings but we made it through. Henry continued to be Kid Danger, I quit being Girl Danger cause I was just never needed and I have to take care of the girls. Henry did stop being Kid Danger after high school since he wants to support us with an actual job so he got a job as a paid volunteer in a vet. It wasn't much but after we got married, we got money saved up to buy a house. It wasn't the perfect house at first but we got some renovations done and it turned into a somewhat perfect home.

15 years later and life couldn't get any better. Ellie and Mia are Juniors in school so they are both 16 and they couldn't be any better. Mia did have some trouble when she first started high school like getting D's in all of her subjects, staying out late at night, sneaking out, ditching classes, just all that jazz. But she did straighten out beginning of Junior year so Henry and I are happy for her so we are going to actually award her with a car. Ellie, well she's very opportunistic towards her future, what she's saying now is that she wants to go to college in Ireland. She's always brought home good grades well in 5th grade she did mess around that year, getting straight C's but she made a comeback in 6th grade. She actually got her car at 15 and she was ecstatic. They actually have boyfriends, Ellie has a boyfriend named Aston and Mia has a boyfriend named Craig and they are both lovely boys and Henry being the over-protective father he is always wants to know what they are doing every 5 minutes but I think it's hilarious. Ah Mia says she wants to be a director and I wish the best for her. Henry quit his job at the vet about 5 years ago and got a job at a recording studio and it pays very well. I actually found out what I wanted to do about 4 years ago and that is to raise pigs and show them at state fair. I actually have a named Mark after my brother and I absolutely adore him. He's my little potatoe. Sigh life just can't get any sweeter.

10 years later and it is Ellie's wedding day, she looks absolutely beautiful in her dress. Henry and I are sitting in the front like we did in Mia's wedding. She actually married David and he's also quite lovely. Craig and her broke up in senior year, apparently it was mutual but I could tell it was tearing her apart at the seams, I was there for her mostly since I knew what she was going through. Mia is actually Ellie's maid of honor just like Ellie was for Mia's wedding 2 years ago and its very wonderful to see. David is sitting next to Henry and is making small talk to him. Sigh I'm 41 years old and I'm going to be a grandmother. Yes Henry and I are going to be grandparents to Mia's child. I feel someone grab my hand and I look to my left and Henry is smiling at me. I lean in and give him a quick peck.
"I love you, (Y/N) Forever and always." Henry says and it brings me back when he first said that sentence.
"I love you too, Henry...Forever and always." I say just like way back when.
He leans in and kisses me.
"You know for years I tried to name our love just like I did with our life all those years ago and I think I found a name for it."
"Qhat is it?" Henry asks.
"Our love...is more than love." I smile and the organ music starts to play.

Lots Of Love

Cheyenne (0)~~~

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