Chapter 29: Fighting With Myself Part 2

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"God damn it always make my life more difficult." I mutter to myself.

I go home after school and I just go straight to my bedroom. I flop on my bed and does a loud sigh as my consciousness greets me.

"Well well, looks like I'm needed again for you to do the right thing." My consciousness says.

"Why are you here, just go back into your hidey hole." I groan.

"Nope not until you do the right thing." My consciousness sasses.

I sigh and I try to block it out while trying to figure this out, "I have heard from both Charlotte and Haley that Henry is depressed without with me."

"Serves him right." My consciousness interrupts me.

"Shut up!" I yell.

"You said that you can never forgive him that he made you go back to cutting." My consciousness sasses back.

"Just...shut up." I plead.

"Not until you make the right choice." My consciousness states.

"Henry still claims to love me, miss me, and is sorry for what he has done." I think to myself.

"It's a trick! He only wants to hurt you again!" My consciousness exclaims.

"There is apart of me that wants to love him and wants to believe him..." I sigh.

"He's too much of a chicken shite to apologize to your face! So that's a red flag right there." My consciousness screams at me.

"True true but there's still a ton of things to think about..." I say.

"Just make the right choice and forget about him." My consciousness orders and leaves.

I sigh once it's gone and I put an arm behind my head and I run my belly with my other hand. "Love makes everything so complicated."

Lots Of Love

Cheyenne (0)~~~

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