Chapter 28: Charlotte's Plead

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Well, I have a lot to think about...

After my fight with my consciousness I fell asleep on my bed. My alarm wakes me up with it's annoying blaring noise.
"Ughhhhh....just five more minutes please." I groan rolling onto my baby bump.
About five minutes later I get up and groggily go to my bathroom and get ready for the day. I get dress in some casual clothes. I come down the stairs to see Mark making some breakfast.
"Good morning Mark." I say with a smile.
"Morning (Y/N), feeling okay?" He asks.
"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I ask.
"You were talking in your sleep, sounded like a fight." He responds.
"Oh, well I'm be honest I don't even remember that I had a dream." I lie.
He chuckles, "Well do you want some pancakes?"
"Yes please!" I squeal and I hop on a bar stool.

We eat our pancakes then he brings up a topic that was still a fresh wound.
"So have you thought about letting Henry see the baby?" He asks washing our dishes.
I gave him silence as an answer.
"Sis?" He asks.
"Please don't talk about him, lets talk about something else that's happier." I put on a smile.
He sighs, "Well what do you want for gender?"
"I want a girl." I smile.
"Name?" He asks.
"Ellie or Bella." I answer.
He smiles, "Have you talked to Charlotte or Jasper?"
"No, they are around Henry." I say looking down.
He sighs ending the conversation. I get up from my seat and I can hear Mark grabbing the keys. I grab my backpack and go out the front door which Mark follows behind.

As I was getting out of fourth for lunch, someone grabs my upper arm and pulls me around the corner to this desolate bench.
I got my bearings and I realize where I was, this was the bench Henry and I made out once. Good times...good times. Wait what the fuck am I talking about? The person sits down and it was no other than Charlotte.
"Come sit (Y/N)." Charlotte orders and I sit.
"Long time no see (Y/N)." Charlotte greets.
"Hey." I smile.
"How have you've been?" She asks.
"Could be better but the baby is healthy." I smile.
"What happened?" She asks.
"Jack and I got together then a month later, he broke up with me cause I'm apparently more in love with Henry." I say with a sigh at the end.
"Who's Jack?" She asks.
"Jacksepticeye." I state with a smile.
"Holy hell (Y/N)!" She shouts excitedly.
"It was the talk of the school for a whole week!" I exclaim.
"That's weird that I didn't hear about it but at least the baby is happy." She smiles.
"Yeah so why did you get me over here?" I ask.
"I've missed you and Jasper as well." She smiles.
I smile brightly.
"Ray got a girlfriend and you wouldn't believe who it is!" She exclaims.
"Who?!" I ask excitedly.
"Henry's older sister, Haley." She answers.
"Holy fooking shite!" I shout.
"I know right." She smiles.
"How did they meet?" I ask.
"She was taking Henry to work and she went in the store. Well Ray came out from the back while she was checking the store out and in his words, she was simply breathtaking. So he introduced himself and she did the same. Well they talked for hours on end. Hell Henry was done with work and they were still talking. Henry had to pull her away from him and to get her away, they exchanged numbers. Once home, they just talked for hours on end." She chuckles.
"Wow...just wow." I sigh.
"Yeah." She responds.
"How did they start to date?' I ask.
"They talked for some time after that but of course they both had major crushes on one another. They went on a couple dates here and there but they never took action. So Henry and I locked them in the lair and we told them that they couldn't come out until they did and well...they did." She smiles at the end.
"Damn." I chuckle.
"Yeah but also Henry...has been in the dumps." She shuffles her feet.
"Here we go again." I sigh.
"Listen, he really is sorry about not letting you be friends with Bianca and not being there for you when you needed him the most." Charlotte whines.
"He can just tell me instead of talking through one of his best friends." I scoff.
"He's afraid you'll kick his ass." She sighs.
"Damn straight." I smirk.
She sighs, "Will you ever be able to forgive him?"
"I dunno, hell I don't know if I really do love Henry still." I shuffle my feet.
"He really does miss you and love you, (Y/N)." She says.
I sigh and she continues, "He's nothing without you (Y/N)."
"He made me cut Charlotte...he made me go back to it. That's one thing I just can't move on from that." I say.
"Please just think about it." She pleads.
"Fine." I say.
She gets up, "I'll see you around (Y/N)." She leaves which leaves me by myself.
"God damn it always make my life more difficult." I mutter to myself.

Lots Of Love

Cheyenne (0)~~~

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