Chapter 30: Dance With Me...

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I sigh once it's gone and I put an arm behind my head and I run my belly with my other hand. "Love makes everything so complicated."

February was gone in a blink of an eye yet it was so packed. Jack broke my heart saying I was more in love with Henry, Charlotte comes up to me says that Henry still loves me and I just can't wrap my head around it. I swear February happened in one long ass day but it didn't. It was March and you know what that means...SPRING BREAK!!!! I'm so excited for Spring Break since I can finally have a week where I can just have me time. But the annual Spring Dance is coming up and they made it the Friday before Spring Break so we all have the times of our lives then we can recover, hehe. I need to pick out a dress though but since my belly is growing, I can't go dress shopping. Though I am determined to get one, I'm not gonna let this ruin my night of fun.

I wake up with a groan and rub my eyes. I yawn and look at my clock and it was 6:00 am. I get up and rub my growing belly, I was into my third month and my last month in my first trimester. I go into my bathroom and do my thing and I come out with a towel on. I go over to my closet and I pick out which was like the style I wear every day; causal but comfortable. I laid back on my bed once I was happy with what I'm wearing and I pull my laptop to me that laid on the edge of the bed. I turn it on and I go to YouTube then put on My Mix, I then go to some stores that carry dresses and that are close by. "I hope none of the good ones are gone since it is the day before the dance." I mutter.
I keep looking at dresses until I hear Mark get up. I put my laptop sleep mode and I close the lid then put it on the edge of my bed again. I get up and go downstairs to the kitchen to get something for breakfast. I open the fridge and someone whispers behind me.
"Morning baby girl."
I gasp and turn around to no one there. I shake my head and go back to the fridge trying to find something.
"You are so beautiful, (Y/N)...I love you so much." Someone whispers in my ear again but it's not someone. It was Jack's voice.
I can feel tears forming and I choke out, "Get out of my head Jack..." I turn around to no one there again and I can feel the first tear fall. I quickly wipe it away and I turn back to the fridge, I choke out a sob then I feel someone embracing me which can be no other than Mark, "Why are you crying sis?" He asks with concern.
"It's nothing Mark." I say.
"Time of the month?" He asks.
"Mark, I'm pregnant. Pregnant women don't have those 'time of the month'." I sigh.
"Ah...well hormones then?" He asks.
"Yeah....yeah just hormones I suppose." I lie.
He lets go of me then hip bumps me, making me move, I chuckle when he does as he looks into the fridge.
"There is no food." Mark scowls.
"There's ice cream." I state.
"Ice cream for breakfast, let's do it!" He exclaims.
I laugh and grab the ice cream from the freezer-it was Cookies and Cream- and I put it on the the island then Mark puts down two bowls and two spoons. I scoop many scoops-see what I did there, hehe-of ice cream into my bowl. We both eat in comfortable silence and that's when I notice he was wearing his Septic Sam shirt and boxers. "That Septiplier ship needs to sail right now." I thought to myself. I also notice his hair was messed up not like bedhead hair when you just wake up but like, 'I just got laid' hair. I look around his neck for any markings but none were there.
"Did you bang someone last night?" I ask completely out of the blue making Mark choke on his ice cream, wink wink nudge nudge.
"N-no, why do you ask like now? I'm eating as you can see." He looks at me weird.
"Your hair shows that." I state.
"Hair doesn't talk." He states.
"But it shows when the person wearing the hair, just banged someone or got banged." I say trying not to laugh.
"Fine, you caught me." He sighs.
"So, you cheated on Nat then unless she's here." I ask clearly offended.
"I would never cheat on Natalie! We just...did some late night things together over Skype." He looks down at his ice cream.
That makes me shut up real quick and I push my ice cream away.
"Hey, you asked!" Mark exclaims.
"I-I know..." I keep looking down.
He sighs, "Are you gonna eat your ice cream?"
"Yeah, it's ice cream." I pull it back to me and I start to eat it getting a chuckle from Mark.
After finishing eating the ice cream, I went to my bathroom and did a recheck on my hair and makeup while Mark did the dishes. I come back down to see Mark playing around with the keys.
"Bored without me, eh?" I ask with a smirk while getting my backpack.
"Nah, just waiting for slow ass to get here." Mark smiles.

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