Chapter 15: Uh oh...

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With that, we fell asleep to each others heartbeat.

I woke up the next day to an empty bed which wasn't my bed and I was in Henry's room. I looked at his clock by his bed and it read 5:00 am. Well I'm supposed to be up in thirty minutes but I can bye to Henry and such. I get up stretching my body and then putting on my clothing from yesterday. I exit his bedroom and went down the stairs to see Haley there looking angry at Henry who was sweating profusely and stumbling over his words.

Uh Oh.

I stood there in pure shock and my heart was beating out of my chest and when Haley looked at me with a death glare, I knew I was dead.

Right then and there.

Welp there goes my freedom.

"(Y/N) Fischbach get down here now!" Haley said in a stern voice.

I ran over to her in haste and I said looking down, "I'm sorry Haley, I will leave and never come back if you want me too."

She snorted, "I'm not mad...just disappointed, I mean you guys are so young but please don't do it here and if you do, please be quieter. i couldn't get any sleep last night."

"Wait you were home?!" Henry asked shocked.

"Yeah when you called up Mark, I came in the back door and snuck up to my room." Haley shrugged.

"Are you gonna tell Mom and Dad and Mark?" Henry asked.

"Nope, your secret is safe with me." Haley smiled.

There was some silence before I spoke up, breaking the silence.

"Can I go home and get ready for school and I can come back if you guys want?" I asked.

"Yeah..I have to get ready too and by the way, here's your phone." Henry hands me my phone and I take it.

"Well I'll be back." I smiled then giving Henry a kiss on the cheek and saying bye to Haley knowing that she may or may not be here when I come back.

I run out of his house and to my house; to my surprise Mark wasn't waiting for me in the living room. I walk to my bedroom/ensuite and I got ready in this. I check the time and it read 6:30 am, damn it only took me about 45 minutes to get ready.

I walked out of bedroom/en suite and Mark was waiting for me in the hallway with a smug look on his face.

"Well where you last night?" Mark asked.

"At Henry's, why the smug look?" I asked.

"Cause you guys fucked last night." He smiled.

I blushed, "Okay we did, are you gonna ground me now?" I retorted back with sass.

"No but I was asking if you wanted a ride to school but it looks like Henry is going to give you a ride, if you know what i'm saying." He then laughed.

"jasin-eul segseu lo idong!" I muttered in Korean (Go f*ck yourself)

"hal geos." Mark laughed with a hint of sass. (Will do)

There was some silence then Mark spoke up, "Do you want me to give you and Henry a ride to school?"

"I'll ask cause I'm going over there now---Okay text me the answer." Mark interrupted me.

I then smiled and walked out of the house and to Henry's house.

To my surprise, no one seem to recognize Mark driving Henry and I to school or come up to us to ask if it was really him. It was currently break and the group-Charlotte, Jasper, Henry and I- were by our lockers talking about random shite like always.

"Damn Bigfoot back at it again with the hide and seek." Jasper blurted out.

"It's time to stop, right now!' Charlotte facepalmed.

"hananim dangsin bil-eo meog-eul babo." I facepalmed with Charlotte. (God you f*cking idiot)

"Stop speaking Korean, speak eingrish please!" Henry looked at me.

"Hypocrite, you can't seem to say English right either." I looked back at him.

"Love you." Henry then smiled.

"Love you too" I replied.

Henry grabbed my hand and kissed it gently, making me blush.

"Stop being goals, you guys." Charlotte sighed.

Henry and I laughed then the bell rang for 3rd period which was for me was science with Mr. Black.

It was now lunch time and somewhat to my surprise, we're not going to our spot off-campus and we settle to have lunch outside though it was quite chilly. 83 degrees my a**.

"Are you cold, (Y/N)?" Henry asked.

"No, not really." I said rubbing my arms.

Henry chuckled and wrapped his arms around me, sharing his body heat.

Charlotte cleared her throat which made us look at her "Jasper and I have to make to announcement."

That can only mean one thing...the ship has sailed! On that last thought, I smiled and nodded.

"Jasper and I are dating!" Charlotte smiled.

I jumped up and hugged Charlotte then turned to Jasper and said, "If you hurt her, I will make your death look like an accident."

Jasper smiled, "I won't."

Henry gave Jasper a high five and a congrats and we all started to laugh for no reason which was fine cause we were happy.

I was now at Henry's house, hanging out with Henry, Haley, and Mark. We were all watching Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Askaban and much to my enjoyment, Henry was enjoying it.

"Have I turned you into a Potterhead yet?" I asked smiling.

"I'm getting there, I can se-Henry was interrupted by a beeping on his watch.

"Oh I best be doing my English and History homework now and (Y/N) is gonna help me, C'mon (Y/N)." Henry grabbed my hand and dragged me to his bedroom.

"USE PROTECTION!" Mark yelled to us making me roll my eyes.

Once we were in safe haven of his bedroom, he opened his window.

"Henry, what's going on?" I asked concerned.

"It was three beep alarm which means we need to go now." Henry grabbed my hand and we jumped out of his window-surprisingly landing on our feet- and raced to the lair.

We got there and it was all dark which made me grab Henry's hand in reflex well let me rephrase that I tried to grab his hand but I pushed down on the ground which made me scream and kick.

"God damn, you pack quite a kick." A familiar voice said.

"Who are you?!" I yelled.

"Tá a fhios againn araon ar a chéile." The man spoke Irish and it translates 'we both know each other' which mean can only one thing, It was Ray.

"Díreach ansin ar an Ray soilse." I sighed. (Just turn on the lights Ray)

He did and Henry was on the sofa looking at me.

"What the hell was that for?" I asked a bit pissed off.

Henry came over to me and picked me up then put me on the sofa.

"I want" Henry whispered in my ear.

"Henry...what about Ray?" I asked pushing him away.

"Don't worry, he went home and try to quiet when I f*ck you senseless." Henry groaned in my ear and I could definitely feel his hard on.

I kissed him and you know what happens next ;)

Lots of love

Cheyenne (0)~~~ 

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