Chapter 14: First Time (XXX)

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"Bye!" She said then I turn to run to his house.

I got to his house in no time, thank god for running. I quickly knock on the door and he opened the door. "Hey, you're here." Henry was shocked.

I responded, "Well you did say ASAP so I came as soon as possible, duh."

He chuckled and ask if I wanted to come in which I accepted. Once I did and he shut the door, I immediately turned around and said in a stern tone, "How could you not tell me you weren't a virgin?!"

"What do you mean?" Henry asked trying to play dumb.

"Don't play dumb with me Henry! Answer the question!" I retorted back.

He looked down, "I thought you would think I'm using you for your body and I didn't want that to happen..."

"Well you certainly give me a reason now!" I yelled.

"Listen...I'm sorry-No you're not sorry, I bet once we have sex you're going to see another girl and you're going to leave just like you did with Bianca!" I interrupted.

"I left Bianca because we weren't working out!" Henry yelled back.

"Mhm, I bet you miss f*cking her too." I huffed.

"No I don't...she didn't feel right, you do." Henry looked down.

"We haven't had sex yet so how do you know that I feel right?" I asked.

He sighed, "I still love y-I think we should break up." I interrupted.

"W-what? (Y/N)...please don't do this...I-I love you!" Henry stuttered and choked back some tears.

I sniffled, "I love you but I can't do this fighting and lying shite."

"Please give me another chance!" Henry pleaded.

"I'm sorry Henry but if you told me in the first place about not being a virgin then we wouldn't be in this predicament. I love you but I can't be with someone that's not me, I'm heartbroken myself and I hate it has to be like this but I hope we can still be friends after this cause I still want you in my life. I'm going to miss us and don't worry I won't say a word to Mark, I don't want you physically hurt-I was interrupted by Henry's lips on mine.

I kissed back.

I felt as if we were the only ones in the world but wait weren't his parents or his other sisters home? On that thought, I pulled away and asked, "Were are the others?" He responded, "My parents are out on a trip, Piper is spending the night since her mom can give them a ride to school and Haley is out doing something but no worries we have the whole house to ourselves tonight. " He winked me and grabbed my legs; making my reflex to wrap my legs around him. We started to kiss again and he stared to walk to his bedroom ;)

Henry kicked open the door and set me down on the bed then started to ravish my mouth with kisses. I grabbed his 'area' making him moan giving me a chance to slip in my tongue which I did. I could tell he was shocked when he gasped. I decided to take this further by grabbing him and pulling him down on me. We proceeded to make out with each other until Henry tugged on the hem of my Doctor Who shirt which I took off.

He stared at my breasts and I teased, "Eyes up here."

"Do you want me to kiss your eyeballs?" Henry gave a teasing smile.

I giggled but it soon turned into a moan when Henry started to fondle my breasts,

"Henry...mmm." I bucked my hips which made Henry moan.

I took off his shirt in a haste and slid my hands down his chest; admiring him. I bit my lip and looked at him in the eye. "Like what you see?" Henry teased.

"Very..." I responded then I kissed his pecs and took one of them in my teeth making Henry moan.

"God (F/N)..." With that I flipped us over so I was on top of him then I started to grind on him leaving Henry withering in pleasure.

"God I love you!" Henry gasped as he put his hands on my hips to help me out.

I lifted my hips enough to unbuckle his pants and pull them off make his hard on show which I started to palm.

"Please...don't stop." Henry pleaded.

I stopped just like I did the last time we did this then he flipped us over and pulled my shoes and pants off leaving the both of us in our undergarments.

"Damn your beautiful." Henry said rubbing his hands down my sides.

I smiled and Henry took off my bra and started to rub them leaving me moaning.

"Mmm...Henry..." I moaned.

"You like this?" Henry whispered in my ear.

"Very..." I responded.

I took off my underwear and Henry well he went down on me.

"Uhg...Henry...d-don't stop!" I squeaked and ran my fingers through his blonde hair.

He then took off his boxers and position himself to my entrance.

"Are you ready?" He asked looking at me.

"Y-yeah..." I replied back.

He then pushed into me and I started to tear up due to the pain.

"Shhhhh, it'll be alright...just relax..." Henry tried to soothe me.

After awhile, the pain turned into pleasure and I quickly nodded to tell him to move which he then did.

"Henry...mmm..." I said throwing my head back.

"God you feel good!" Henry moaned.

"Henry...go faster!" I screamed.

He complied.

"Henry...ugh!" I moaned.

I could tell he was close and so was I.

Soon enough I did and he did too.



Henry pulled out and laid next to me; both breathless and speechless.

"Wow...that was amazing." I said after some silence.

"It definitely was." Henry smiled at me.

I smiled back.

"So are we still together?" Henry asked grabbing my hand.

"Yeah." I smiled.

"I love you." I turned my body so I can cuddle with him.

"I love you too." Henry kissed my forehead.

With that, we fell asleep to each others heartbeat.

Lots of Love

Cheyenne (0)~~~

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