Chapter 21: We're Over

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He took a deep breath and said. "You are pregnant."

"What?" I ask in disbelief.
"You are one week pregnant to be exact." The doctor says looking at his clipboard.
I look to Henry to Mark then to my hands.
'I can't believe it' I thought to myself.
Everything was just quiet...nothing said...and nothing heard.
The doctor broke the silence by saying. "The baby is healthy."
I smile and thanked the doctor and told him if he could leave which he gladly did.
Once he was gone, Mark comes over to me. "Why didn't you use pro-actually---he turns towards Henry---"Why didn't YOU use protection?!
"I-I-she wanted me..." Henry stutters.
Mark looked at me with anger in his eyes and I retort back. "I did that one time but that was it!"
"Oh and you were moaning my name every time." Henry rolls his eyes.
"Oh shut weren't good in bed either." I scoff.
"Can you please not be hostile with each other?!" Mark yells.
"Well ask her why she said I was a friend to the doctor?!" Henry yells back.
"We are over! That's why!" I yell at Henry.
'I should be crying over this but I just don't feel remorse for this at all.' I thought to myself.
Henry looks at me and ask. "Why?"
"You yelled at me cause I was friends with Bianca and you didn't even come with me to the damn hospital!" I yell at him.
"I-I-I-I'm sorry about that Bianca incident and I froze up when you fell, I'm really am sorry..." Henry pleads.
"No, I'm never going to forgive you in fact the only time you will ever see this baby is when it is born." I retort back.
Henry comes over to me and tries to grab my hand which I slap away and I say in a stern tone. "Don't you ever touch me again."
"Please babe, I love you!" Henry pleads once more.
"No! Mark get this peasant out of my sight!" I order.
"(Y/N), I'll deal with him...being stressed is not good for the baby." Mark sighs.
I sigh, "Fine."
Mark then goes over to Henry and grabs him and launches him into the chair and asks in a stern tone. "I made you do a vow to never hurt her and yet you did so you better A: explain yourself and you better have a good explanation or B: you better watch your back. So what is it gonna be?"
"I want to be in my-her-baby's life." Henry pleads.
Mark whispers something in Henry's ear and Henry looks somewhat relived which by that I was not amused.
"What the hell did you say to him!" I yell at Mark.
"NONE OF YOUR DAMN BUSINESS, (Y/N)!" Mark screams at me and I turn into a scared little girl and I get brought back to when our mom died the only time Mark has ever screamed at me.
"Mommy? Mommy wake up!" I move her slightly.
"Mommy, answer me!" I flick her nose; no response...
I get pulled away and I start to scream. "Let me go! My mom needs me!
The person turns me around and it was my brother Mark and he says. "Sister, listen to me. Just go to that tree over there please."
"No mom needs me!" I scream.
"MOM IS DEAD, SHE'S NEVER COMING BACK!!!" Mark screams at me but then it turns into a worried face but that soon turns blurry as I start to cry.

"Sis, I didn't mean to..." Mark comes over and hugs me which I returned.
"Don't worry..." I mumble into his shirt.
We hugged for quite some time and then I feel something wet on my shoulder and I pull away to see Mark crying.
"Why are you crying?" I ask.
He sniffs, "I'm gonna be a uncle!"
"And you are going to be the greatest uncle ever." I smile.
He smiles again and wipes his tears away.
The door into and out of the hospital room was angrily pushed opened and Henry walked away very mad.
"Don't worry sis...I'm not gonna let him see your baby." He says in a not so convincing tone.
Once again I know something is up...

Lots Of Love

Cheyenne (0)~~~

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