Chapter 18: Big Fight

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"Let's a go!" He said in a Mario voice.

I get out of his car with my backpack in hand and I walked inside to my locker which lies not far from Bianca's. I started to put my stuff when all of the sudden someone wrapped their arms around me.
"Ah! Get off of me!" I scream and my reflex kicked in so I grabbed the two arms, spun out of them, pushed the mysterious person away, then I brought up my fists; ready to kicka**.
"God damn, you could be a fighter." The all too familiar voice groans.
"Henry?" I put down my fists.
"The one and only." He smiles and gave me a big bear hug.
"God we were really worried about you...why didn't you answer our texts and calls?" Henry continues.
"I was-wait how did you know that I wasn't alright?" I push off of him.
"Charlotte told me that Bianca was dragging you somewhere, I knew you could handle yourself but when you didn't answer her or me...I just thought the worst." Henry looks at me with scared eyes.
"Well her and I were going to- I was about to continue but the first period bell rang.
"I'll see you at break Henry." I smile and close my locker then heading to my first period.

First and second seemed to go by slow for some reason but whateves, its life.
I walk back to my locker when I ran into Bianca, literally.
"Oh sorry Bianca, I didn't see you there." I apologize.
"Oh no, it's fine." She smile.
"Say, did you hear?" I look down.
"Hear what?" Bianca ask curiously.
"I can't give you my blood." I say looking down.
"Oh that! No worries, I found that out yesterday and I'm not mad at you." Bianca smile.
"Oh thank god but did they tell you why?" I ask curiously.
"No but they did mutter something about not believing but that's crazy talk." Bianca chuckle.
I smile but that quickly fade to shock when someone clear their throat behind me.
I watched as Bianca's smile faded into a scared little girl, with a gulp I turn around to see Henry.
"Henry..." I look down scared.
The bell rang for third and Bianca drags me away from Henry with an angry look on his face.
'Crap, I didn't get my binders, welp I'll make up an excuse.' I thought to myself.

It was now lunch time and I was scared out of my wits to go out those doors. Going against myself, I walk out of my fourth with my head down. I-miraculously-made it to my locker. I exchange my things quickly and when I close my locker, Henry was standing right there.
I look down and said. "Henry...."
"Why didn't you tell me?" Henry retort back.
"I'm sorry, I was scared...I was scared that I was going to die." I say on the verge of tears.
"I don't care about that, I care that you were with that bitch Bianca!" Henry yells gaining peers to listen to us.
"Don't you dare call her a bitch, Henry!" I look up with rage.
"Well she is one, I can't believe you would befriend her!" Henry yells once more.
"What's wrong with being her friend?!" I retort back.
"She's my ex, girlfriends and exes can't be friends!" Henry growls causing some gasps and mummers in the crowd.
"Are you that stupid, Henry?! Anyone could be friends with anyone, hell I could be friends with Hitler!" I retort back causing more gasps and mummers through the crowd.
Henry looks around obviously looking for a comeback.
I beat him to it by saying. "Ooo it looks like Henry went brain dead or he's that bitch that has to do it with his friends."
"So quick with your words but yet not so quick in the bed." Henry coolly and our audience oohs.
"You're talking about yourself, dear." I smile and our audience chuckles.
He growl but it soon stops when Bianca came to my side but it soon turn into a sincerer smile.
"Oh look it's your 'friend'." Henry say air-quoting friend.
"Shut up!" I growl putting my shoulder in front of Bianca's as a protective stance.
"Would you call her your friend if she was the one that pushed you down, called you a worthless slut, knocked you out, and put you in the hospital?" Henry asks.

Lots of Love

Cheyenne (0)~~~

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