Chapter 24: Christmas

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That's exactly what I'm going to do.

The clock does a ding to signal it's 10 pm and Mark speaks up.
"I'm going to bed, you should too sis." Mark says to me while he's sitting on the couch and Nat is laying her head on his lap.
"I'll be up there in a second Mark." I say while I was currently sitting and looking at the Christmas tree.
"Alright, Merry Christmas (Y/N)" Mark says then the couch creaks so I think he's picking Nat up slowly and getting up. I hear some footsteps going up the stairs and I sigh.
'I wonder what's in that booklet?' I ask myself in my thoughts.
My thoughts were interrupted by someone kissing my neck gently.
"You heard your brother, you should go to bed." Jack mumbles into my neck.
"Then you should too." I smile.
"I'm not tired though." He says in a low voice.
"Me neither." I say with a smile.
He kisses my neck again and I blush majorly.
"Can you do a quick favor for me?" He asks in my ear.
"Mhm." I say turning my head looking at him.
"Close your eyes." He orders in a nice tone.
I do what he asks and I can feel him shift his weight then I felt his lips on mine.
I shock at the feeling but I just couldn't open my eyes as I could feel something pulling me deeper into the kiss. I wrap my arms around his shoulders and he pulls me closer by the waist. We make out for what seems like eternity but he then pulls away and I finally open my eyes to see him smiling at me.
"Your lips are so soft." He whispers clearly out of breath from our session.
I blush as red as the red Christmas ornaments on the tree.
"I love it when you blush, you look so innocent and cute." Jack gives me a toothy smile which gives me butterflies.
I give him a kiss on the cheek and I stand up. "I think I'm getting tired should be too."
He yawns. "I guess I am." He stands up and smiles at me.
"Merry Christmas Jack." I return the smile.
"Merry Christmas (Y/N)" He says and walks upstairs to his room. Once his footsteps were unheard of, I quickly got out the booklet and silently ran upstairs. I sat on my bed and open the cover and it the page read...
Dear (Y/N),
I'm sorry that I didn't want you to be friends
with Bianca but I didn't want her in your
head and I didn't want to lose the best thing
that's ever happened to me.
I'm sorry that I didn't tell you sooner about
who put you in the hospital but I hope that
you know that I only did that to protect you.
Words will not be able to ever express how
sorry I am for this and I have profound
regret and sorrow for ever hurting you.
I've caused you pain, I made you cry,
I hurt you, I made you angry. For that
I hate myself. Please forgive me.
Love, Henry

I put the booklet down in pure shock and I can feel all the emotions overcome me. 'Henry....oh my god...' I thought to myself. I see that there are more pages and I find myself reaching for the booklet. I start reading all the poems he had in there to express his love, his feelings, his hurt, his...everything. I just couldn't put the booklet down as I feel some tears slid down my cheeks then the downstairs clock chimes with the midnight chime. I put down the booklet and I crawl under my covers and soon fell asleep.

I groggily wake up to see Jack on the other side of my bed just watching me.
I yawn and stretch some. "Good morning Jack...Merry Christmas."
"Merry Christmas baby girl." He says in a low voice.
My eyes shot open and I get up in a start.
"What did you just call me?" I ask.
He gets up and comes to me. "I called you baby girl."
"W-why?" I stutter.
He grabs me by my waist and pulls me close to him. "Cause I want to." He growls in my neck.
I blush crimson red again and he slowly puts his hands under my shirt.
"What time is it?" I ask.
"6 am." He replies.
"I need to put on my Christmas pj's." I sigh.
"Can I help you?" He asks with a smirk.
"Sure." I wink at him.
He slides his hands-which were currently under my shirt and on my waist-up taking my shirt up. He takes it off without any hesitation. I watch him and I feel myself blush. He then goes onto his knees and starts taking off my sweatpants very slow. I bite my lip in anticipation and he takes them to my ankles and I step out of them. I cover myself and I go over to where they . I put them on and I look at Jack and he definitely has love in his eyes. I give a smile and give him a nod to go downstairs. He gives me a nod and we go down there. Once I'm down there, I see Mark and Nat really close as in they are about to kiss close. I go behind a wall and watch them and they finally kiss. I cover my mouth so I wouldn't fangirl as loud.
They pull away from each other and smile. 'God damn they are so cute!'

Opening all of our presents went by super fast. I got tons of games, clothes, baby clothes, baby supplies, 'This Christmas has been a good one...everything is perfect but yet everything went wrong before hand. I finally feel happy and just complete' I thought to myself with a pretty damn big smile.

Lots Of Love

Cheyenne (0)~~~

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