Chapter 17: Am I Going To Die?

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"Is there something wrong with me?!"

I get out of the doctor's office with shaky legs.
'I just can't believe it, t-they won't tell me what is wrong with me?! For god sakes they are supposed to tell you by law and even now they can make an educated guess.' I thought to myself angrily.I call up Mark to pick me up and he agreed to and I was stuck with my own thoughts.'I wonder if Bianca got word of it.' I thought to myself once more.
'I hope she's not mad at me tomorrow.' I finished my thought.
Mark pulls up and I got in then he start to drive.
"Sis? Are you alright? You look like you just seen a ghost and why in the hell are you in the hospital?!" He growls at me.
"My friend needed a blood transfusion because of her disease she has." I retort back with some sass.
"Oh..." Mark looks away.
"Yeah but I can't do it because there is something wrong with me?!" I cry and put my face in my hands.
"T-they didn't tell you what's wrong?!" He shock and looks at me.
"No! T-the nurse just left!" I say through my hands.
"They can't do that!" Mark yells.
"I-I know...but please don't go back there...m-maybe they have to do some testing." I sigh.
"Fine!" He scowls.
He kept on driving with the uncomfortable silence all the way until we got home. I jump from the car and run into the house not even closing my door. Once I was in the safety of my own home, I start to break down and walk up to my bedroom. I flop on my bed as tears soak my ocean blue comforter.
"I-I don't want to die...please! I have to stay alive for Mark, Charlotte, Jasper, Ray, a-and for Henry!" I cry harder.

I must have cried for a long time because Mark knocks on my door and told me dinner was ready. I didn't notice I was starving until he mention it. I get up and wipe my tears then made my way downstairs to where my favorite food was, (F/F) was. I sat down and started eating vigorously.
"Slow down or you'll choke on your food." Mark sighs as he as eating some leftover pizza.
"Who cares, I'm going to die anyway." I look down at my food.
"(Y/N)...please don't say that...I don't want you to cut again..." Mark look at me with scared eyes.
"No! They won't tell me what is wrong with me!" I scowl.
"Please don't f-for seen how I went through your depression and promised me that you wouldn't do this!" Mark cries.
I look down.
"Look, I'll help you find your answers just please don't cut." He pleads.
"Fine..." I sigh.
He smiles in victory and I give him a smile back.
"I'll get my computer booted up." Mark got up and went to his recording room.
I ate fast and then follow suit to his recording room where I found him typing.
I brought up a swivel chair and sat down then he starts asking me questions.
"Did you have any birth defects?" Mark asks.
I nod a no.
"Are you taking any meds?" Mark follows up.
I thought about it for awhile then I nod a no.

The questions lasted for awhile then Mark sighs and says, "I don't know why you can't give any blood but we do know is that you are not dying."
I gave a weak smile and hugged him which he returns.
"I'm going to go to bed, tomorrow's another day of b*tch a** school." I chuckle.
He gave hearty laugh then says. "I have another day of doing amazing fans and since your winter break is next week, Jack is going to come down and spend some time with us."
"Yay!" I give him a kiss on the cheek.
I run up to my room and got into my then I pick up my phone and saw that I have many texts from Charlotte and drum roll please...Henry.

Charlotte: Aye girl, you alright?
Charlotte: C'mon please answer me!
Charlotte: Please...
Charlotte: Missed calls (3)
Charlotte: Fine! Maybe you'll answer to Henry!

Babe <3: Charlotte told me, what's wrong babe? Maybe you need a stress relief ;)
Babe <3: C'mon babe...answer me!"
Babe <3: (Y/N), I'm worried about you!"
Babe <3: Missed calls (6)
Babe <3: I love you (Y/N)...please answer me!
Babe <3: Please...

"Well I want to tell them I'm alright but eh I'm too tired." I shrug and put my phone on the charger cause you don't want a dead battery during school hours. American horror story: Dead Battery.
I flop on my bed and fell asleep right when I hit the pillow.

I wake up at 5:30 as usual and I get up and did my morning routine. I was left in and I am proud of my style.
I check the time and it read 6:30. 'Shite I have to eat in less than 15 minutes!' I run down to the kitchen and pour myself a bowl of cereal then I start to eat fast. Mark came down the steps and yawns. "Good morning sis!"

"Morning! Say, are you gonna give me a ride to school?" I say after glupping down my cereal.
"When do we have to leave?" Mark ask.
"In like 5 minutes." I smile.
"Alrighttttt if you insist." He gave me a toothy smile.
I smile and threw him the keys that were on the table.
"Let's a go!" He says in a Mario voice.

Lots of love

Cheyenne (0)~~~

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