Chapter 8: Girl Danger? Part 2

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"(Y/N) do you want to become Girl Danger?" Henry asks.

I was in pure shock, yes I love Henry with all my heart and I want to spend lots of time with him but do I want peoples lives to rest in my hands. Again I have Ray and Henry to help out but what happens when they can't be there. I can't take that pressure even with my older brother helping out, yes I have an older brother. I'm just going to tell them the truth.

"Henry........I'll take the job." I say.

"That's great! We'll see each other everyday!" Henry says picking me up bridal style and spinning me around.

"Before you guys get to lost in each others eyes, we have to pick out her outfit." Ray says sighing.

"I have the perfect outfit for her!" A voice yells from the back.

"Better be good, Schwoz!" Ray sighs.

Schwoz comes back with a red ball looking like a gumball in his hand.

"Here, (Y/N). Chew this and blow a bubble and you should get your outfit." Schwoz says handing the gumball to me. I put the gumball in my mouth and start to chew it and then I blew a bubble and I was left in this outfit (

Henry wolf whistles.

I start to giggle.

"I swear if you weren't Henry's and over the age of 18, I would totally date you." Ray says admiring me.

"Um, okay?" I say awkwardly.

"Sorry, I made you uncomfortable but you are beautiful in that outfit." Ray says.

"You are beautiful inside and out, (N/N)." Henry says coming over to my side to put his hand around my waist.

I blush.

"Schwoz, do you want to get something to eat?" Ray asks.

"Yeah...let's go." Schwoz says.

They leave and it only left Henry and me...alone

I walk away to sit down on the couch and Henry followed suit and we were in the same position we watched Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

"God, I love being in your arms." I say.

"Same here, babe." Henry says.

We were silent for awhile then I spoke up.

"Henry?" I asked.

"Yes, babe?" Henry asked.

"Why didn't you tell me you were Kid Danger?" I asked.

"I didn't want you to get hurt." Henry said kissing my hair.

"That can't be all." I stated.

"...sigh...This job is very dangerous and I get hurt a lot and if I told you, those people that hurt me might hurt you and I didn't want that to happen to you." Henry said.

"That one time you turn your back, I go to the hospital." I laugh.

"That's no laughing matter, babe but did the person say anything to you?" Henry asked.

"Yes the person did...the person which was a girl said, stay away from my boyfriend, you worthless slut." I say on the verge of tears.

"Babe, don't cry. I think I know who it is." Henry says worried then a little angry.

It was silent once more.

"Henry, can you do me a favor?" I ask.

"What is it, (N/N)?" Henry asks.

"Make me forget about the incident." I state staring into Henry's eyes.

Henry stares back at me as me he lays me on the couch with me on the bottom and him on top.

"I love you." I say as I start to kiss him.

Lots Of Love

Cheyenne (0)~~~

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