Chapter 11: Awkward Lunch

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That's when I started to laugh.

Like hit the floor laughing.

Henry just stood there in pure shock and amazement.

"I-I can't believe this..." Henry spoke still in awe.

"Excuse my sister, she has this crazy illness called 'I-don't-know-when-to-stop-laughing-itis', its really contagious." Mark looked at my laughing self then at still-in-awe Henry.

That only made me laugh more.

Mark went up to Henry and said, "So are you the guy that's dating my little sis?"

Cue me stop laughing and looking up to Henry and Mark with a ohmygod-I-hope-he-accepts-him look.

Henry looks at Mark with determination and said, "Yes, yes I am."

"(Y/N) get up please." Mark ordered.

I immediately got up and brushed my self off and Mark continued, "Face each other and join hands."

Henry and I turned to each other with a scared look and we shakily join hands.

"Now Henry repeat after me. I, Henry will never hurt (Y/N), no matter the consequences. I will always be by her side no matter the relationship." Mark stated.

Henry looks at me and repeats,"I, Henry will never hurt (Y/N), no matter the consequences. I will always be by her side no matter the relationship."

"Now you may kiss the girl." Mark ordered.

And we did just that.

Only it was passionate...very passionate...It got to the point where his hands were in my shirt, caressing my-hold up, where the f*ck did that come from. Looks like the writer got a little off topic there. Hey writer! This is not the smut you are writing, this is the Henry x Reader story. Sorry onto the story!

Mark was the first to speak, "Now, lets get going. We're going to get something to eat."

We pull away and I blush like a tomato, then Henry grabbed my hand.

I guess Mark noticed it cause he then said, "I ship it!"

That made Henry blush and me even more.

Mark spoke up again and yelled, "(S/N)! (S/N)!" (A/N): It means ship name)

We could've died from blushing then and there.

"C'mon, we don't have all day!" Mark said and grabbed my unoccupied hand and dragged me out of the door also dragging Henry too.

We got to a Denny's and we quickly got a seat since it wasn't busy and the person was a big Markiplier fan. i guess having a popular brother does have his perks.

We were sitting down in a booth looking for something to eat when Henry spoke up, "So your brother is The Markiplier."

"Yeah, the one and only." I said with a smile.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Henry asked.

"I thought you would use me." I look down.

"I wouldn't." Henry smiled and grabbed my hand.

I blushed and Mark said our ship name...again.

A waitress came over and took our order and quickly left.

"So how did you guys meet?" Mark asked.

"We met by running into each other." I said with a smile.

"Awe, that's cute." Mark smiled.

"Yeah, I guess so." Henry answered for me.

The waitress comes by with our drinks and leaves.

We start sipping our drinks in a comfortable silence.

After awhile I spoke up,"So what's your excuse for keeping me away from your older sister?"

"Uh...." Henry went wide eyed.

"Don't hurt my sis." Mark growled.

Henry gulps. "She wanted us to be safe from the fame."

I was dumbfounded, I was facing the same damn problem.

"Well Haley and I had the same problem then." I sighed.

"Yep." Henry sat back in the seat we were sharing.

And back to the now awkward silence.

Lots of Love

Cheyenne (0)~~~

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