Chapter 1: First Meeting

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I was on my way to the last class of the week, Math. I've always hate math but at least I always pass the class and suddenly I bump into someone.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know where I was going!" I say rushing to pick up my books.

"Hey, I'm sorry too and it was kind of my fault too!" A boy says as he was helping to pick up my books.

"Um, thank you, sir." I say as I start to rush off, then someone puts their hand on my shoulder and I turn around and it was Henry, he was in a few of my classes but he didn't pay mind to me.

"Hey, whats your name?" Henry asks.

"It's (Y/N) (L/N)." I smile.

"Oh nice to meet you, (Y/N), mines is Henry Hart." Henry smile.

"So, I best get to class and you too, Henry." I say.

"Um, what class do you have?" Henry asks blushing only a little.

"Math with Ms. Nuttle and you?" I ask.

"Same." Now I can tell he is blushing.

"Oh, well see you in class!" I wave goodbye.

"I wouldn't let you walk to class, so shall we?" Henry ask as he put his arm out for me.

"We shall!" I giggle and blush as him and I walk arm and arm into class.

We both got into our seats -mine was in the middle with some random girl and his was in the way back next to Charlotte-and then the bell rang.

~~~Time Skip~~~

As I was paying attention to the lesson, I feel as someone was staring at me and it was no other than Henry Hart, I can't believe it was him staring at me but I try to pay mind to the lesson but my mind was always going back to Henry and this voice in my head said those three little words that made me silently gasp, 'I Like Henry'

I. Can't. Believe. I'm. Going. To. His. House! though its only game night I don't care, this was my chance to prove to Henry that I'm much more to this quiet girl.........

Lots of Love

Cheyenne (0)~~~

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