Come out come out wherever you are ... Alpha

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Come out come out wherever you are … Alpha



It all began when the Blood Moon pack, one of the most vicious pack in the America, attacked our pack, the Blue Moon pack.

I remember that day clearly. I remember the screams that erupted from the women and children. I remember seeing the members of my own pack lie in their own pool of blood.

"Shadow, get out of here. SAVE YOURSELVES!" mom yelled.

"Mom, NO! I’m not leaving you here alone, you will all die!" Shadow said .

"No! Save yourself and your sister Shadow. Go, now! " mom ordered in her alpha voice.

But it was too late; Shadow started to search for his sister, but didn’t find her anywhere.

“Mom she’s not here, I’m can’t find her!"  Shadow panicked.

“Shadow get out of here, but promise me that you'll find her" his mom pleaded.

“I promise ,mom ,I promise" Shadow said with tears streaking down his face.

“Good, now go, Shadow, safe yourself" his mother said to him giving one last smile, but he knew it was fake.

That was the last thing I remember, it was the last time I saw my pack, my mom, my dad and my brother Shadow.

If you’re wondering who I am, I’m Light Melody Anderson, daughter of Michael Lee Anderson and Suzan Angela Anderson, sister of Shadow Mathew Anderson. I have bright blue eyes, jet black hair, the same as my brother, and am 5 foot 7. I am not skinny and not fat, so I guess I have a perfect body with curves in the right places.

It has been 7 years since being kidnapped by the Blood Moon pack and to tell you, they’re the worse pack ever. They treat women as if they’re a piece of meat.

I’ve been beaten, abused and raped by them, but the one thing that is good about my life is school. Yea, I know what you’re thinking “who likes school, it sucks” .Well school is the only place that I can be at without being beaten and I’m pretty smart. I’ve been saving up money since I was a kid to run away from this horrible place because I’ve had enough of all this. Tonight is the pack meeting, so all males of the pack gather in a room to discuss what is happening in the area, which gives me time to run away.

Another day of torture and abuse. I heard women whimpering and screaming which caused me to curl into a ball.  I was covered in blood on the floor but I still didn't give up, I'm going to run away and that's final.

Now is midnight , all the females are asleep and the males are in the meeting, so it’s time to get out of this horrible place once and for all.

So I'm editing the story ! Hope you like it guys ! This was my first story and alot liked it so please

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Thx for my amazingly charming editor Isabella Linner !

Love you <3

Come out come out wherever you are ... Alpha { Complete }Where stories live. Discover now