Ch.8 Melanie

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Walking towards our table I kept thinking over and over again.

What should I tell them? What if they’re not wolves?’

I was in my own world until Christy demanded “Light what happened? Why did Shadow take you outside?” then she paused, her eyes widening. “Oh My Gosh, did he ask you out? Light don’t go with him! He’s a jock and only uses girls. Please Light –“it was so hard trying not to laugh seeing her talking nonstop about a situation that was never going to happen.

“Relax, he didn’t ask me out and besides it will be weird “I said while thinking. EW!

“And why is that? I mean every girl that Shadow laid his eyes on her, he asked her out. So why didn’t he ask you out?“ Kate asked, confused.

“Now, now he hasn’t found his mate yet so don’t judge.”Melanie said, sounding like a mother.

“Um, well I don’t know how to say this … but Shadow is my brother “I said playing with my fingers feeling nervous.

WHAT! “ All of them screamed at once, earning a few stares in our direction.

“Will you keep it down please, yes he’s my brother.” by now I was completely red.

“Wow!” that’s what came out of Christy

“How come … I mean how is he … well how he did…ugh this is useless! “Katy said, throwing her hands in the air.

“So that means you’re a were, like us. Right? “Melanie asked with a hopeful tone

“Yeah. Wait you wolves?” I demanded

“Yeah, are you one?” Katy asked

“Yeah “I answered

“Yay!” Melanie started clapping

“So what happened over there with my brother? You kept looking into one another’s eyes. So tell me everything.” Christy wanted to sound serious but couldn’t help the smile that took place on her face.

“Wait a sec. Tyler is your brother? “ I asked puzzled

“Yeah-“Christy was cut off by an irritated looking Caleb  

“What’s taking so long? Tyler can’t shut up about why you’re taking so long. And you know mates, they are extremely over protective, they get scar-“Caleb was cut off by Christy squealing with delight.

“Oh My Freaking Gosh, Tyler and Light are mates? It can’t be! Oh I’m so happy, we’re gonna be sisters!” By now Christy was jumping up and down.

“Okay, now let’s go because with the look that Tyler’s giving me, he’s like telling me ‘come now or your dead man ‘ , I’m still young so I don’t wanna die . SO HURRY UP! “Caleb screamed. That was the only thing needed to make the girls jump and basically run to Tyler’s table.

I sat in the middle between Tyler and Shadow.”Well took you long enough” Tyler said in an amused tone.

‘”Yeah well the girls told me they’re wolves and one thing led to another “I said blushing a bit

I looked at Shadow but he was staring at Melanie like she was a Goddess.

I looked at Melanie and she was staring at Shadow like he was her savior.

I looked at the guys and they all gave me a knowing smile.

“Well, looks like we’re not the only ones that are mates “Katy said in a teasing tone while nudging Melanie.

“Aha, so what do you say, you and I tonight on a date “Shadow said while leaning on the table.

“Let me think, um I don’t know “Melanie teased him

When Shadow heard that his face fell. “Oh okay “

“I’m kidding, of course I go on a date with you tonight “Melanie smiled

“YES!“Shadow screamed throwing his fist in the air

We all laughed .

“And I thought I was the crazy one.“ Christy said laughing

“Okay, now let’s get to business, where are you living Light? “ Tyler asked me

“My house is 10 minutes away from school “I answered

“Well you should pack your things, your living with me “Shadow said


“No buts, you’re living with me and that’s final “Shadow demanded

“Okay, today I’ll pack my things and tomorrow I’ll live with you “I said with a smile on my face.

When Tyler saw my face, a smile lit his face.

“Good and when you stay with Shadow I’ll introduce you to the pack “. Tyler said, and for a minute I thought that he was actually doing a happy dance in his head.

“T-the pack “ I stuttered

“Yes the pack and I’ll present you as my mate “he said putting his hand around my waist.

“Ok “ I whispered

“Hey, don’t be scared, I’m alpha and besides your brother is beta, so the pack will accept you with open arms .” I can see by the look that Tyler had on his face that he was really proud.

“Your alpha … and your beta?“ by now shock was clear on my face

“Yeah, your one lucky girl, Light “Christy teased

“I know “I said laughing

next chapter is 10 times better

thank you all for reading

love you guys   


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