Ch.22 This is war

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Michael’s P.O.V.


Our prisoner escaped and I wouldn’t be surprised that those mutts took her away. Nobody dared to speak a word “The guards were dead when we got there alpha, nobody noticed anything.” William said looking down.

Well he should be looking down; he’s the beta, second in command.

“You.” I pointed a finger at William “Will be dealt with later.” I hissed and he looked scared shitless.

“Sam” I looked at one of my pack members and fear flashed in his eyes “Yes alpha.” He said.

“Prepare all the men, we will attack the Silver pack as fast as possible. We can defeat them without a plan. After all, we’re the most vicious pack alive.” I smirked and Sam bowed

“Yes alpha.”

“Get out.” I said and turned around “And take William with you.”

I can’t let that happen again. No one escapes the Blood Moon pack. We’re the most vicious pack in America. If any of the other packs heard of what happened, they would attack us saying that we’re weak but that will not happen.

I will get her and later on kill her and let her pathetic mate watch her die. No one escapes the Blood Moon pack and make it out alive.

Stephanie’s P.O.V.

Damn. That snake just won’t die. I tried everything, she even got away from the Blood Moon pack for the second time. Damn that slut. Why did Tyler choose her, I don’t really know.

Bitch gets all she wants, but what do I get? Nothing.

I’m standing in front of Michael’s office. I want her dead and I would do anything to let that happen.

I knocked on the door and heard Michael say come in. I made sure that my boobs were showing and opened the door and saw him looking straight at me. I smirked and closed the door.

“So what are you doing?” I asked in a sexy voice.

“Nothing , waiting for you.” He casually said and I bit my lip.

“Is that so?” I made a puppy dog face and saw him smirk.

“Yes, we’re getting ready to attack the Silver pack. Would you like to do a quickie before I leave to be in a good mood?” He asked

“No one can say no to you.” I purred and walked forward.

Look out Light; you’re getting what you deserve.

Tyler’s P.O.V.

I stared at the ceiling smiling like an idiot. Everyone will now know that Light’s mine now and no one will come near her. I looked at my right to see her snoring lightly. She looked like a true angel when she slept.

Yesterday was complete bliss, I was waiting for that the moment I saw her. No need to go into details.

I softly kiss her forehead not wanting her too wake up. My angel stirred a little and slowly opened her eyes, her beautiful blue eyes.

“Good morning Angel.” I smiled.

“Morning.” She replied but then blushed.

“You’re so cute when you blush.” I teased and she turned crimson.

“Shut up.” She muttered and I traced her mark. It was a moon that had a black rose in front. It was beautiful.

“What are you starring at?” She mumbled.

“Your mark.” I answered casually.

She bolted up straight and ran to the bathroom. I followed her and saw that she was tracing her mark. “It’s beautiful.” she said.

I stood behind her and wrapped my arm around her neck “I know, just like you.” I whispered and she blushed. “You know, you’re turning me on Angel.” I whispered but before she could answer I heard the bedroom door open and Shadow’s voice filled the room and I knew that something was wrong. I stepped outside the bathroom and looked at Shadow. “What do you want?” I said through gritted teeth.

“Oh gosh! Tyler don’t tell me you and my sister, ugh never mind” He said “Ugh this is so Gross!” He yelled.

I looked at Light and saw that she was blushing. I then remembered that we weren’t wearing anything. I turned and looked at Shadow “What do you want?” I repeated

“Right, right” he muttered “The Redwood pack said that they caught the scent of the Blood Moon pack. The alpha is warning us that they were coming in big amounts and Michael is planning to attack.” He looked up and I was stunned.


“Already did it. I Prepared the pack so don’t worry about anything I’ve got it under control.” He smiled and I sighed in relief.

“Shadow, can you like, I don’t know…. GET THE F*CK OUT OF THE ROOM!” Light screamed from inside the bathroom and Shadow turned crimson.

“Okay”. He said and left the room. I quickly put on a shirt and a pair of ripped jeans ready to talk to my pack.

“Go get dressed. When the blood moon pack comes here I want you to stay in the house understood?” I used my alpha voice. I saw tears in her eyes and hugged her “Shh, it’s okay Angel, we’ll win. Don’t worry.” I murmured.

“It’s you I’m worried about Tyler. Please let me come with you.” she sobbed and I growled. I don’t like seeing her like this, totally broken.

“Shh Angel. Look at me.” I raised her chin “Nothing’s going to happen to me. I promised myself that I will keep you safe and I want to keep that promise okay? I need you to stay here because you’re what they want and I’m not letting that happen.” I kissed her forehead.

“Okay.” She answered but it wasn’t enough.

“Promise Angel; promise me to stay in the house.” I looked directly in her eyes..

After a couple of seconds she finally said “I promise.” That was all I needed to hear

 “Come on get dressed so we can speak to the pack. I’ll be downstairs.” I said and left the room.

‘This was it, this is war’


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