Ch.13 Yes

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Light’s P.O.V.

The next morning was shopping day. This will be the best day ever, note the sarcasm. Tyler and Christy are going to meet us there. I took a shower and got dressed in a black T-shirt with I Rock written over it in blue and blue skinny jeans.

When I went down stairs. Shadow was already dressed and eating breakfast on the counter

“Good morning my wonderful brother.” I said flashing a smile as I made some cereal for myself.

“Good morning my beautiful sister.” he replied, grinning. I don’t know why he’s acting weird; Shadow’s not a morning person.

“Hey, Katy and Melanie will wait for us at the mall.” he said with his mouth full.

“Don’t you have some manners? Chew, swallow, and then talk.” I ordered. What does Melanie see in this guy? No brains no game, I thought. I was still eating my breakfast when Shadow finished.

“Come on we have to go.” Shadow said grabbing his car keys. Ugh! Can he be more rude, but oh wait! Melanie can’t wait, right? Unbelievable.

“Oh yeah, Melanie ‘waiting’.” I said air quoting waiting. Shadow glared and I glared back. The car ride was silent as in comfortable silence and was filled with music. Mostly rock, metal, and emo.

When we arrived, Tyler, Christy, Melanie, and Katy were there. They all turned in our direction when the car door shut. Christy was the first to tackle me in a bear hug and say “We’re gonna have so much fun!”

“Now, now Christy, we want her alive when she comes out of the mall.” Katy said with a wink as Christy glared at her. “Hi Light” Katy greeted. 

“Hey Light!” Melanie said grabbing Shadow’s arm.

“Hi guys!” I replied waving. Tyler came and put his arm on my shoulder and said “miss you”

“Cheesy much? I saw you yesterday.” I smiled teasingly.

“Yeah, but I couldn’t keep you out of my mind.” Tyler grinned.

We were roaming in the mall and went to dozens of shops. At the end, we all were exhausted except for Christy. While I was cursing and cussing, Christy was enjoying her time and singing TGIF by Katy Perry. We bought everything, and by everything I mean EVERYTHING. I got like 5 pairs of converse, 11 T-shirts, 8 skinny jeans and the list goes on. But I was still wondering why was Christy so happy. Then it struck me. UH OH! I’M.DEAD.

“Well Ladies, this is our last destination!” Christy squealed in delight. We were in front of Victoria’s secret. I turned around and saw Shadow smirking and Tyler grinning.

“Oh, come on Light. We’re gonna have such a wonderful time.” Tyler said and I shot him a death glare but he just smiled. 

“Oh no you’re going to stay outside and wait for us here.” Christy said. Both Tyler and Shadow groaned, much to their displeasure. Melanie and I grinned. As soon as Christy dragged me into the store, she gave me everything that was silk, hot and red, but I bought some that were colorful. After we paid, we went outside to find the boys waiting for us outside talking to each other.

“Done?” Shadow asked hopefully

“Yup.” Melanie said with a bright smile that made Shadow smile widely.

“Ok, let’s go. PLEASE! I’m beat. This was the worst day of my life. Just please, let’s go home.” Katy pleaded

“Same here sister.” I muttered but when I looked up I saw Christy glaring at me which caused the rest of the guys to chuckle. “WHAT, don’t blame me if I hate shopping … or anything with that matter … and Victoria’s secret, no wait particularly Victoria’s secret. That place is a total nightmare especially if you brought guys with you.” I thoughtfully said.

“Well you’ll need them sometime Light, actually I know that you’ll need them pretty soon honey.” Christy casually said.

The girls giggled as a blush made its way to my face while Shadow glared at Christy who acted innocent leaving Tyler to snigger but stopped when Shadow turned his stare to him as if telling him to ‘shut up’ which made Tyler cover it with a cough . I smiled, my overprotective brother. Katy and Melanie each said their goodbyes and walked off but not without Shadow giving Melanie a long, hard kiss.

Soon enough we parked the car outside our house with Christy and Shadow fighting over who’s hotter, Shadow or Taylor Lautner. I mean come on ofcouse Taylor Lautner is hotter, no one could disagree. Only Melanie would. Tyler took the opportunity and ushered me to follow him. We stood next to a tree not far away from where Shadow and Katy were arguing.  

 “Hey, uh I was wondering if you, um, c-could go…go out with … Wow, this is harder than I expected” Tyler said as he rubbed his neck.

“If I could go out with you?” I said raising my eyebrows.

“Yah that.” Tyler said turning a little red.

“Sure.” I simply answered.

“Really?” I could clearly see that Tyler was surprised.

“Yah, why wouldn’t I. I mean we’re mates so no need to be astonished.” I smiled.Oh he’s so cute and he’s BLUSHING, again! He’s adorable.

“I, uh nothing. So I’ll pick you up at seven?”  He asked.

“That would be great. I better get ready, I only have like two hours. See you later!” I said waving.

“Later.” He replied with a smile.

Tyler’s P.O.V.

I was in the car heading home alone. Christy decided that she should help Light get ready for our date tonight. All I could think of was STUPID! STUPID! STUPID! I messed things up. I mean she isn’t the first girl I dated, so why was I so nervous? Right, it’s cauz she isn’t like any other girls I’ve met. She doesn’t fall at my feet, she isn’t slutty and doesn’t throw herself at me like the rest of the girls in school do.

But then I remembered that she said yes. I was doing a happy dance in my head that I didn’t realize that there’s a car coming in my way. I quickly turned the car to the left to avoid damage. I could still hear the driver muttering and cursing. I sighed in relief.

When I reached the house I said hi to my parents and told them about the date. They were grinning like it was them who won a lottery. I can tell that they loved Light and saw her like their own daughter.

I took a shower and started getting ready for our date.

Our first date.

Stephanie’s P.O.V.

They still haven’t done anything. I knew I shouldn’t have trusted the Blood Moon pack, so I phoned William.

“Hey Steph” William greeted

“Hi Willy, so what happened with Light’s issue?” I asked.

“We’re working on it. We sent someone to spy on them and tell us what’s happening.” He replied.

“Oh okay then, what are you doing?” I asked playfully.

“Nothing. Wanna come here? I’m sure you’ll have a great time.” He huskily invited.

“Be there in minutes Will.” I hung up on him and went to get dressed.

Poor girl I’m gonna give her hell; she should learn not to mess with me cause if she did there will be consequences.

Terrible … Terrible consequences.


I hate Stephanie she a B

And Don't forget to ...




love you guys and thx for the support !!!!   :)

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