Ch.3 School

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Ugh , stupid alarm clock. Who’s the idiot that invented it, I so want to kill him right now.

After I woke up at 7 and went to take a shower. After the shower I got dress in black skinny jeans, a baby blue tank top, and a pair of black converse.

Since I don’t have enough money to buy a car I started walking.

My house is not that far from school, only like 10 minutes if you’re walking.

As I was walking when I thought I heard something

It’s nothing Light, just your imagination, you’re probably just worried they'll find you, I thought as I continued my trip to school. 

When I arrived at the parking lot, all I saw was the row brand new cars and students scattered everywhere, talking to each other. I began walking to the school’s entrance when I was stopped by a girl wearing the most sluttish outfit you could ever think of.

The pink skirt she was wearing barely covers her ass, and a pink shirt that was hugging her body like a second skin and barely covering her boobs that were clearly fake. To top it all, she had those fake, dirty blonde hair and was wearing 5 inch heels.

“Hi, I’m Stefanie” She said in a sickly sweet voice, but to me it sounded like nails screeching on a chalkboard.

“Hi I’m –

“Don’t know, don’t care. I’m just here to say that I rule this school and if you say something, anything bad about me I’m going to make your life a living hell” I looked at her shocked and felt my anger rise. How dare she!

“Look here Bimbo, I don’t care who the hell you are but you’re in no position to talk to me like that, so go to your crowd of fake barbies where you obviously belong.“ And with that I left her, with her mouth hanging open in shock .

I entered the school and went to get my schedule and my locker key.

I opened my locker and put my books in it, when I closed it I noticed a blonde girl with blue eyes was standing next to me.

“Hello, I’m Cristina but you can call me Christy” Christy said. I smiled. Finally! Someone genuine!

“Hi I’m Light” I said.

“Just wanted to tell you I loved how you stood up to Stefanie, no one has done that before” she said with a smile.

“Well, she certainly deserved it; I hate it when people act like they rule the world” I replied, making a face. She chuckled.

“Yeah I know what you mean. So what do you have first? “Christy asked.

“Um let me see” I said, my eyes scanning the schedule.

“I have English first, you?” I turned to her with a smile.

“Same thing “

“Hey let me see your schedule “Christy said looking at my schedule. “Hey we have almost every class together!“

“Really?” I asked, excited. 

“Yeah, come on lets go to class first, we have the first three hours together and then lunch, do you wanna sit with me and my friends at lunch? “Christy asked in a hopeful tone.

“I would love to!” I replied with a smile.

Thx for reading guys !

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