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  • Dedicated to All my fans and the people who supported me !!!

OMG I can't believe this story is acually over... I'm so sad :(

Anyways I wanna thank you all especially my fans and my friends. You've supported me which I am thamkful for!!!





bexey22(Love you girl... And Andy Sixx)

BrightSmilz (An awesome person)

twistedmind (Crazy but awesome girl)

FadedScars (AWESOME)



I love you people and I have to say I'm so proud that I finished this story especially that this is the fisrt story I finish. GREAT!

Now I'm going to leave you to read ! Hope you like it guys !!!




Light’s P.O.V.

“Mama.” I looked down to see my little Cassy looking at me with those angelic blue eyes that were filled with tears. Aiden, my four year old son was chasing his sister around the house.

“Aiden, stop annoying your sister.” I scolded and Aiden nodded

“Yes Mama.”

As you can see Aiden, my four year old son is super hyper active. Aiden Tyson Thomas born on September the first. He’s sweet, cute, caring and I can tell from now that he’s going to be a heart breaker. He looks a lot like his father except he had darker blonde hair that sometimes look sandy brown and my electric blue eyes. For a four year old, he’s quite smart and active.

On the other hand we have little Cassy, my two and a half year old daughter. Cassandra Lynn Thomas born on December sixth has chocolate brown hair and sea blue eyes. She’s an angel. Quite, shy and a sweetheart. Tyler graduated college, has become lawyer/business man and started construction building with Shadow along the coast. The business was going well.

I took Cassy in my arms and started playing with her.

“Who’s my little girl?“ I kissed her cheek and she giggled.

“Mommy, is Uncle Shadow and Untie Melanie coming with Seth?” Aiden asked sitting down next to me pouting.

I nodded and he screamed ‘YES!’.

Shadow didn’t take a long time until proposing to Melanie. After five months of my marriage, they got married. Now they have a handsome four and a half year old boy called Seth, nearly three year old Angel and a baby boy called Gabriel. Damn we’re getting old. I’m already 22.

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