Ch.19 Away

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Ch. 19

Light’s P.O.V.

I was running in the woods. I had to get out of there; I couldn’t put Tyler’s pack in danger. It hurts like hell being away from your mate but I knew that I had to do this. It’s 3:00 A.M. and it’s really dark. I kept running and running till I reached the field. I stopped to catch my breath. I heard rustling of trees and I knew that they were here. Going back to my old life is terrible, but I had to. I couldn’t let people die for me. I wouldn’t let the same thing happen. I found my voice and stood up straight.

“I know you’re here. I hand over myself to you.” I whispered trying hard not to cry. I heard chuckling , I knew that laugh from anywhere. It’s my worst nightmare.

“I see you surrender. I knew you were too weak.” Michael laughed.

Not a second later he emerged from the trees wearing shorts. His eyes were black meaning that he was mad. I held back a whimper and stood my ground. I knew that I would be hit hard but I had to stay strong.

Michael took a step forward but I held my ground. He was encouraged by that and started taking larger steps toward me. He stood beside me and hissed “You’re going to regret everything you did, Light. No one runs away from me and gets away with it.”

I felt something heavy hit my head and everything went black.

Tyler’s P.O.V.

Dear Tyler,

                  I’m sorry. I’m sorry for putting your pack in danger. I’m sorry for causing trouble, and I’m sorry for breaking your heart. I’m no good for you. Your pack deserves a better alpha female and you deserve someone better than me. I can’t stay here. I only cause trouble. Maybe I shouldn’t have come here knowing that they would track me down and endanger your pack. Tell Shadow that I’m sorry and I love him so much and to forgive me knowing that he’s been searching for me for years. Tell Christy, Melanie and Katie that they are and will still be my only best friends. Tyler, I love you and never doubt my love. I’m doing this for your pack’s safety and for everyone’s safety. I hope you find someone who will be a good mate and an alpha female. Don’t look for me Tyler; it will only cause more problems. I love you.

                                                                                                                                                 With All Love,

                                                                                                                                                      Your Mate,


I read the letter aloud one more time. I sat down on the sofa with my head in my hands. The whole pack was in the living room, listening, but no one dared to say a word. It was clear that she surrendered herself. I quickly scanned the letter one more time and focused on one word “Love”. She loved me? Oh My Gosh, she loves me! I sound like a girl right now. I will do anything to save her and like I promised I’ll never lose her which I don’t intend to do. We quickly set the plan into action; Shadow went to put the pack into two teams. He’ll lead one and I’ll lead the other. Those bastards won’t know what hit them.


Sorry I know it's short but I'm really tired i went to the doctor two days ago of food poisoning and trust me it's not the best feeling so i was sick  and not feeling so good but trust me now I'm back on track and next chapter will be more detailed and maybe the mystery man will show his identity i don't know so anyways:




My Pick Up Line lol I Love This :P


~PEACE TO ALL~ Sally :)

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