Ch.25 Light of my Life

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It has been months after that incident and Tyler and I are inseparable. We’ve been to a lot of dates and got a lot of cozy together, if you know what I mean. School ended and I aced it. Ty and I talked about college; he had been accepted in UCLA. Ty didn’t need to go to college but he insisted on doing that. He wanted to become a lawyer. I on the other hand was thinking on being a doctor but didn’t decide what’s best yet.

Knowing that it was hard to have a child was difficult but the doctor said that it will heal and that I can have children. Heather kept asking us when her grandchildren will come and every time she said that I blushed and looked down. I swear sometimes she’s so embarrassing.

Luckily Stephanie didn’t try to do anything and Tyler warned the whole pack that if she got near the territory to kill her.

A month ago, Christy found her mate and didn’t leave his side. He was practically living in the pack mansion with the amount of time he spends with her. Heather was so happy but Sean was a little sad that his baby girl will not be so innocent anymore. We all laughed at that.

Of course Tyler was a little rude at first seeing his baby sister with another guy but as time passed he warmed up to him and now they’re like brothers. His name was James; he has light blond hair and sea blue eyes and the total opposite of Christy. While she was a hothead, James is a pretty calm guy.

Katy has found her mate too. He was a member of another pack here in California so she had to move into their pack’s territory but we always stay in touch. Katy was so happy that she found him and the love was clear as crystal in their eyes.  Katy’s mate is Derek with brown hair and black eyes and the same as Katy.

Shadow and Melanie mated and are expecting a baby soon. Tyler and I were the first to know though. I remember how Heather acted, totally excited while the other pack members started to congratulate the couple. Shadow was ecstatic and already had names in mind. If it was a boy, he’d name him Seth and if it’s a girl he’d name her Angela. Beautiful names.

“Okay guys Melanie and Shadow have something important to say.” Tyler commanded the pack to be quiet and listen to the couple.

Shadow stepped forward and squeezed Melanie’s hand smiling her way before turning back to the pack.

“We’re expecting a baby soon.” Shadow blurted smiling so wide looking like a clown while the whole pack cheered and congratulated them.

Heather started talking about what will Melanie need and she stood there dumbstruck absorbing all what Heather was saying.

“When will it be your turn, Light?” Heather asked excitement clear in her eyes. I blushed and looked at the floor while Tyler chuckled.

I walked to Shadow who was surrounded by pack members and when they saw me they cleared the way for me to walk. I smiled thinking of Shadow; he would be a great father. I hugged him and he hugged back smiling.

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