Ch.17 Another one

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Picture of Tyler's wolf --------------->

Action ahead and alot that is



Tyler’s P.O.V.

Shadow and I were sitting in the kitchen talking about the car ride home.

“This is the first and last time I’m driving Christy home.” he raised his hands in the air frustrated. I laughed, sure Christy is sweet and innocent but she can drive you crazy sometimes. What did she do the poor fella?

“Why? What did she do to you?” I laughed.

“Your sister is the devil’s assistant, she’s pure evil.” he said narrowing his eyes. Suddenly Mark ran to the house looking worried. I immediately knew that something was wrong. Shadow looked at me and knew something was out of place. We met Mark half way through the yard well actually we have a small field in front of us and then there’s a forest. He looked nervous and scared. WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED.

“Mark what’s going on?”

“Alpha there’s another pack here. They were like 9 wolves and attacked us.” He breathed heavily.

“Is there any deaths?” I quickly asked.

“No, but there are some injuries” He replied.

I saw my men walking towards the house out of the forest. I looked at Shadow and he directly knew what to do. Pack meeting.  Christy came running down the stairs fear clear in her eyes.

“Christy, what’s wrong?” I asked panicked. I’ve never seen Christy like this.

“It’s Light.” those were the last two words that I heard before running up the stairs.

Light’s P.O.V.

I’m on the floor shocked and not able to say a word.

They’re back.

They’ve come to get me.

 Oh my gosh, this is not happening. The door burst open and I saw Tyler standing there. When he saw me in this state he held me in his arms. That’s when the tears leaked out. I don’t know how much I stayed but it was comforting. He kept saying ‘hush … and its okay angel’ all those comforting words. When the water works expired I felt numb.

“What happened Angel?” he whispered. Not able to talk I gave him the letter to read. His hands turned into fists and I knew that he was trying to control his wolf.

“Who is Michael?” he hissed not looking at me

“He’s the alpha of the Blood Moon pack.” I answered and hung my head low.

“Tyler!” Shadow burst in the room screaming.

“What?” Tyler screamed back.

“We have a problem, and a big one that is. Your father wants both of you in his office now.”

Tyler and I both looked at each other before heading downstairs. We knocked on the door and heard Tyler’s dad answer come in. Both of us entered the office. It was a simple yet elegant office with everything brown except the curtains, they were white.

“Take a seat.” he told us. Mrs. Thomas and Shadow were also there. Both of us sat down on the sofa waiting for Mr. Thomas to begin , and so he did.

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