Ch.15 Best B-day ever

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Light’s P.O.V.

As the week passed .Tyler and I became inseparable. Christy, Katy and Melanie were always having sleepovers at my house, gossiping about the latest news. Today’s my b-day and I turn 18 along with Shadow, since we’re twins.

Shadow and I wanted to have a movie night but the guys wanted to have a party. After hours and hours of arguments we finally decided that it will be a movie night. 

It’s 5:00 pm right now and the guys are at our house. Christy, Melanie, and Katy wanted to go out for shopping since it’s my special day and Josh went with Shadow to god knows where. I’m trying dresses right now, my worst nightmare. We finally settled on a light purple short dress à.

Christy took out her phone and frowned “Well I guess we’re done here. We have to go. ” She hurried.

I looked at Melanie and Katy and said “What the heck is wrong with her?”  

“We don’t know.” Both said in an innocent voice. I narrowed my eyes at them. I was suspicious. Something was happening here and I have no clue about it.  

Christy was driving to my house. “Light, the guys said that it would be best to have a movie night at our house since we have theatre like room. So we’ll go to your house, get you dressed and then we’re off to our house.” Christy said. I was still suspicious. Why in the world would I need to get dressed for a movie night?

“Christy? Why do I need to get dressed? You’re not planning anything are you?” I asked.

All of the girl’s faces froze. “What? Why do you think that? You told us that you don’t want anything big and we respect your wishes.” Melanie smiled.

“Yeah, Light get a grip. We love you and won’t do anything that you don’t wanna do.” Katy replied.

I want to get something out of them but I couldn’t. Oh they’re good.

Shadow’s P.O.V. (Meanwhile)

“Ok, cut the crap Josh. Why are we here?” I asked Josh. That dumbass dragged me to whatever that shop’s name is and is telling me to try things on since it’s my birthday.

“What crap? I’m not telling you any crap. Now” he threw a navy blue button up shirt “Go try this on and don’t take them off.” he sounded nervous, maybe of what I’ll say.

“And why is that?” I asked crossing my arms over my chest.

I saw panic in his eyes but it was gone in a second “Well you do want Melanie to think your hot right?” Josh asked.

“Yeah. But how is this related to wearing these?” I asked holding up the clothes in my hand.

“Because Tyler invited some people from our school to hang out with us.” He rubbed his neck.

“Ok? Again, what does this have to do with wearing these?” Something is wrong. I can feel that.

Josh rolled his eyes and said “Naïve, naïve Shadow. One, wearing these clothes will make the girls go over you which will make Melanie jealous. Two, Melanie seeing all the girls around you will make her want you more. Three, her wanting you more is equal to happily ever after ….or whatever it’s called.” Josh said.

“Wow.” I replied impressed “Who knew you actually have a brain?” I asked.

“I’m full of surprises man. I’m actually smarter than the smartest kid in school which makes me the smartiest kid in school.” He said proud.

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