Ch.11 A promise

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Light’s P.O.V.

I was in my new room at Shadow’s apartment, and let me tell you it was massive. It had 5 bedrooms, a living room, dining room, game room, kitchen, a big garden, pool, and a music room.

 My room was a mixture of baby blue and purple, my two favorite colors. It has a queen size bed, a walk in closet, and a bathroom.  He told me that tomorrow we were going shopping. I’ll have a great time, note the sarcasm. I hate pink, shopping, makeup, heels and girly things.

I was still thinking of what Stephanie told me. What did she mean you can’t runaway? Did she know that I escaped the Blood Moon pack?

Shadow noticed my uneasiness and asked me if everything is alright.

“Is everything fine?” he looked concerned

“Yeah everything’s fine don’t worry” I gave a fake smile .He didn’t buy it but didn’t press on the issue. As it turns out Shadow, is a great cook. We ate pasta and when we finished we went outside to the yard, sat down on the ground and talked about everything.

Suddenly Shadow’s phone rang, he answered it with a bunch of ‘Okays’ and ‘Sure’.

“Who is it?” I asked

“It’s Tyler, he said he’s coming over with Christy” he replied

Minutes later the door bell rang. I went to answer it. Tyler and Christy were there.

 Christy was in a cocktail dress with her hair hung loose, she wore high heels with a little bit of makeup .My eyes adverted to Tyler who was breathtaking. He was wearing a black T-shirt who showed his perfect abs and jeans. It was hard not to drool. When he saw my expression he grinned and whispered in my ear “It’s only a matter of time, and will you let us in?” I opened the door for them to get in and a blush settled on my face. Tyler directly started playing video games in the game room with Shadow. They’re such kids I thought rolling my eyes. I had a soda in my hand and was leaning against the stool of the game room watching Shadow and Tyler throwing nasty comments.

“So what’s up with you and Tyler? He said that you needed time, what happened? Don’t you want him to be your mate?” Christy asked with a frown on her face.

“No that’s not it. I’ve been through a lot Christy and I can’t trust men that easily. Shadow is different. He’s my brother but I don’t know if I can trust Tyler though.” I mumbled

“Do you wanna talk about it?” Christy asked

“No, it brings back bad memories .” I shook my head holding back tears. Christy put a comforting hand on my shoulder and I smiled in return. Tyler noticed that there was something wrong with me and he jogged in our way.

“Hey, is everything okay?” concern was present in his eyes

“Yeah” I looked down not meeting his eyes.

“I gotta talk to you about what happened today. Let’s go outside” He began walking and I followed. We went out to the backyard and stopped by a tree. Tyler sat down and ushered me to sit next to him. We were engulfed by silence when Tyler finally broke it by saying “So what was wrong with you today? I kept thinking about you rejecting me as a mate. Don’t you want to be my mate? Did I do something wrong?” he was worried

“It’s not that Tyler. I’ve been through a lot and don’t trust men easily” I said playing with my hands

“And why is that? You know you can tell me everything, right?” he said looking hopefully at me.

“Yeah I know but it’s a long story”

“I have time”

And so I began with my story when I was kidnapped at the age of ten and how I was tortured and beaten. I kept glancing at Tyler and saw his face turn redder and redder with what I kept telling but he controlled his anger. I didn’t tell him about what happened earlier today because I wasn’t so sure.

When I finished his knuckles were white.

“Tyler? Are you okay?” I asked but he was silent.

Unable to shed my tears I broke into fits of sobs but was engulfed by a pair of warm hands

“I’ll kill those bastards who did this to you” He said with uncontrolled rage as he started stroking my hairs.

“Wait, so you’re not going to leave me?” I said wiping the tears away

“Of course not Angel, I will never leave you. I care a lot about you but promise me that you’ll tell me everything. Ok” I promised and sat next to him looking at the moon. “Remember Angel, I promise to protect you and be by your side forever” he whispered kissing my forehead.

After what seemed like hours I started drifting into sleep thinking that nothing will ruin this moment.

Tyler’s P.O.V.

I gently put my Angel in bed while she was sleeping. We said our goodbyes to Shadow and went home. As I reached my room, changed and went to sleep all I kept thinking of was killing those bastards that abused her. No one will lay a finger on my Angel while I’m still alive. She means a lot to me.

She’s the person that I want to spend my life and grow old with and I will do anything to protect her, even if it means risking my life.

Hope you liked it !!!!

And later on the story will contain a hell lot of action !!! :D






and sorry for it being short and I'll update like tomorrow or after

depends !!!

tell me if you like it !!!   :)

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