Ch.16 Pushups

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Light's Wolf is on the right side of the page !!! and thankyou guys for all the support :)



Unknown P.O.V.

“Did you find anything yet?” Alpha Michael asked. His piercing brown eyes burned into mine. We were in the exact same place where we met last time.

“Yes alpha.” I began. “The girl’s name is Light Anderson. She’s the sister’s beta of the silver pack. Mate of the alpha Tyler Thomas. She has jet black hair, light blue eyes and is 5’7. She attends CAS and is a straight A student. I think this is the girl you’re looking for alpha.” I finished.

“Yes indeed. Did you say that she’s the mate of alpha Tyler?”  He asked.

“Yes sir.” I answered.

“Then we’ll have to think of a plan. This is harder than I thought. The Silver pack is one of the strongest packs here but we’re one of the strongest too.” he thoughtfully said.

“If I may ask you alpha, why won’t you leave the girl? After all she’s the mate of an alpha and sister of a beta. Is she worth it all?” I asked.


“N…no alpha.” I mumbled with my head down looking at the floor.

I heard Michael chuckle and said “If you really want to know. Richard and I have unfinished business and the girl there gives us more motives to attack. So why wait? Now that you know the story, you can leave. We’re going to plan an attack but it might take a while. So until then collect anything you can find about the Silver pack’s territory. You are dismissed.” He finished. I stood up and bowed showing my respect and left his office.

Many whimpers and pleas were heard from women and girls but were only followed by screams. I pity those girls who live here with these monsters. If you’re wondering why I’m helping the Silver pack, well that’s because I’ll do anything that would help me get my revenge.

Light’s P.O.V.

The bell rang indicating that school ended. Today I have to wait for Shadow because he has practice, but it would mean that I will see Ty there. I can’t wait till practice starts. I didn’t notice that I was daydreaming until I heard Christy screaming my name.

“LIGHT ANDERSON! ARE YOU THERE?” she screamed which caused a lot of heads to snap in our direction. I blushed and looked the other way. “HEY PEOPLE! THERES NOTHING TO WATCH HERE. GO HOME!” she yelled again. Students went towards the exit. I’m telling you, Christy’s unbelievable.

“Did you have to do this?” I asked.

“Yup.” she popped the ‘p’. With that she dragged me with her to the football field. We sat on the bleachers. I’m gonna tell you it was fun how couch Bennet screamed at them and pushed them harder. Now they were doing the 150 pushups coach Bennet ordered them to do. If someone stopped he would add 15 more pushups.

“101,102,103,104,105,106,107,108,109,110…” The guys said while doing pushups

“I can’t take this anymore” Travis, one of the teammates grunted

“Travis, I swear to god. If you stopped and we had another 15 pushups I’m gonna kick you so hard that you won’t be able to have kids!” Josh swore.

“Calm down guys. Travis, I beg we you. We don’t need another 15.” Shadow pleaded.


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