Ch.5 Shadow

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“Sss…..sister “Stephanie stuttered

“Yah so back of “ And with that Stephanie turned and started walking in the opposite direction, red as a tomato.

I was still shocked and couldn’t believe my eyes; this guy in front of me is Shadow. He’s my brother that I haven’t seen in eight years.

“Follow me” Shadow said. We were walking in the hall towards the exit. When we reached the parking lot Shadow stopped.

“S-Shadow” I said with tears in my eyes.

“How did you –how did…..” and with that I burst into tears and fell on my knees. Shadow sat next to me and gave me a bone crushing hug, but in this moment I didn’t care, all I thought was ‘my brother is here, next to me

“I missed you so much, I’ve been looking everywhere for you, where were you?“ his voice cracking at the end.

After I calmed down and my sobs turned into whimpers I said “I missed you too, my life was hell Shadow, I was beaten and… and  tortured. “ I sobbed, remembering all the memories of the previous years and then burst into another fit of tears .

“What? By whom, who are those filthy bastards that abused you Light. Tell me, please tell me and I’m gonna tear them apart limb by limb” he was now furious.

“Its fine Shadow, I’m here now, they’re not gonna find me, and besides I’ve got you here “I said as I cracked a little smile. Truth was, I wanted revenge but I knew their power and there was no way I was going to lose my brother again.

“Come here I’m gonna introduce you to the guys, they’ll be happy that I’ve finally found my long lost sister “Shadow said, leading me down the hallway towards the cafeteria. “Come on Light, don’t be a party pooper, they’re harmless, well unless you made them angry and trust me you won’t like that.” He said when I hesitated. All the muscles of my body tensed, and Shadow felt that too. “Oh, come on, they’re not gonna hurt you, I was just kidding .But you might want to know that Josh has a temper so don’t provoke him.”

“And who the heck is Josh “I asked, a little frustrated

“You’ll see”

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