Ch.9 Wicked witch

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Stephanie P.O.V.

He’s unbelievable. I have everything he wants but he goes and chooses that thing. I kept thinking of what did I do wrong. Why did he choose her and not me?

“Hey isn’t that Tyler and the new girl? I heard her name was Light. Nice name”

I gave her the evil eye “what did you just say?” daring her to say anything

“Nothing…I was just saying that she crossed the line and no one should get Tyler but you “ Fear was clear in her eyes.

“Good “ That was Pamela, I hate her, I don’t know why I let her join my crowd.

“I will get Tyler back, even if it was the last thing I do “I said clutching my phone.

“And how are you gonna do that? “Pamela asked

“Did I allow you to talk? “I was now facing her.

“No” She said in a low voice

“So why are you still here, go and talk with the others I’m busy “I spat

 She turned and walked away. If you don’t know I’m a werewolf too. I’m in Tyler’s pack but have connections with all the packs in America and you don’t wanna know what I have done to get a hold of these connections. I went outside and dialed William; he’s one of my best clients.

 His pack doesn’t treat women well, but for me it’s not the same. Before my dad died he was good friends with the alpha of the Blood Moon pack Michael, so they treated me well. And if you’re wondering why I am with the Silver pack?  One word. Tyler..I want him and will do anything to get him, even if it means killing HER.

After a few rings he answered “Hello “

“Hey baby “I said playfully

“Stephanie? Why are you calling “

“Why? Didn’t you miss me? “I pouted

“Of course I missed you. So what do you want?” it was clear as crystal that he was in a hurry

“Can you do me a favor?” I asked in a childish voice.

“Yeah “

I told him everything; I told him that I want HER dead.

Michael’s P.O.V

William came rushing into my office

“Alpha.” William greeted

“Yes William, what do you want?”

“We found her “he said breathing heavily

“Found who?” I asked confused

“Light, we found her, she’s in the territory of the Silver pack “  

“If she’s in the territory of the Silver pack, why didn’t they kill her already?”  I asked bewildered

“No one knows” I motioned him to sit

“From where did you get the information William “   

“Stephanie “ he said looking at his hands

“And how do you know that she’s telling the truth? Maybe that’s not her. There are a lot of Lights in the world “

“You’re right Alpha. Sorry for the interruption “William bowed his head

“Its fine, but you’re saying that Stephanie told you. I want you to talk to her and tell her everything that happened, Tell her about Light and how she escaped; besides she’ll be able to help us. Maybe, just maybe she’s the girl we’re looking for.” I rubbed my chin 

“Yes alpha and Charity is screaming and kicking the walls, all the pack members are waiting for you decision. What should we do with her?”

“Ha, that girl doesn’t know her limits. Torture her till she unconscious that should teach her “I said smiling wickedly.

“My pleasure alpha “William bowed and got out of the room.

So she’s hiding in the Silver pack‘s territory, she’s good. But first we have to make sure that she’s the girl we want because if we attacked the Silver pack and she’s not the girl we want, it will get ugly.




next chapter will include Light's P.O.V.

!Lots of Love!

~Peace To All~ Sally

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