Ch.18 What should I do?

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I wanna thank everyone thats reading this story and thx for the support guys !!! My fans are the best!!! Well & readers 2 !!!


Ch. 18

Light’s P.O.V.

“Stephanie?” Tyler asked

“Yah, she told me that I can’t run anymore so it should be her.” I put my head in my hands. Suddenly Tyler ran out of the room in full speed looking very angry. All of us followed him and then heard a yelp from the living room.

 What we saw shocked us. Tyler held Stephanie by the throat up against a wall. By the look of it he was controlling his wolf from getting out. Shadow ran and started mumbling things in Tyler’s ear but it was no use.

“Why are you working with the alpha of the Blood Moon pack Stephanie? Why are you betraying your own pack?” Tyler hissed.

Stephanie looked terrified but when she looked at me she smirked and said “Because she doesn’t deserve you Tyler. Do you know how much I want you? My plan was working until she came along and ruined it all. She’s just a piece of shit that no one cares about. She doesn’t make a good alpha female. I guess she isn’t your real mate too. She’s just something to use then throw.” Stephanie sneered and Tyler growled.

I stood next to Tyler and put my hand on his shoulder. He looked at me and his face softened.

“Tyler I can take care of this.” I whispered in his ear. I saw him let out a sigh and nod. I looked at Stephanie and said “Why do you hate me so much? Tyler wasn’t and still isn’t yours. He never was. You’re just too shallow to see that you’re not everything people think of. So now listen to me, Tyler and I are mates, we have a bond that will never break so don’t try to do anything cause I’m telling you that it won’t work.” I said looking deadly at her in the eye.

Stephanie smirked and said “I bet that this entire mate thing is just an act because he wants to make me jealous.” Okay, now I was furious. Can this girl think of anything but herself?

The voice of my slap echoed through the room. “Don’t ever, ever think that being mates with Tyler is just an act.” I roared.

Stephanie looked shocked at first but then turned red “WHILE YOU LITTLE BITCH!” She screamed and raised her hand ready to slap me when Tyler was suddenly in front of me holding Stephanie’s raised hand

“Don’t you ever think of raising your hand on your Luna cause if you did, God help you!” Tyler yelled and Stephanie whimpered. “I should kill you right now Stephanie, I should tear you limb by limb because you deserve it … but I won’t. Stephanie, go pack your things and leave this town. If I ever saw you again, trust me, I won’t think twice before killing you. Understood?” Tyler asked and she just nodded while tears leaked out of her eyes. “NOW GO!” Tyler yelled and she opened the door and left the house. Tyler sighed and rubbed his temples and I put a comforting hand on his arm and smiled. He smiled back but it didn’t reach his eyes.

“Tyler, you look tired. Go to bed you need the rest.” I said and he nodded and went upstairs.

“If anyone needs me I’ll be outside”. I said turned around and went through the front door.

I never expected this.

 I never thought I would find my mate.

I never thought that I would meet my brother.

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