Ch.4 Blond Bimbo

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After three hours of torture Christy and I were on our way to the cafeteria for lunch when we were stopped by two girls. The first has blond hair and blue eyes. She was 5’5 and beautiful. She was wearing a pink tank top with blue skinny jeans. The second had light brown hair and baby blue eyes .She was 5’6 and wearing a yellow button up T-shirt and jeans.

The first girl came to me and said “Hi, I’m Katy and this is Melanie” she said motioning towards the other girl who smiled at me “We’re Christy’s best friends”

“Hey, I’m Light, nice to meet you “I said with a smile.

“Hi I'm Melanie" said the other one in a soft voice.

"Nice to meet you " I said shaking her hand.

“Ookaay, enough with the chit chat. Let’s go eat, I’m starving! “Christy interrupted as she began dragging us to the cafeteria with her.

When we entered the cafeteria we stood in line to get lunch and then we went and sat in the corner. We were getting to know each other when the cafeteria door opened and all heads went in the direction as the most gorgeous guy entered.

He had dirty blond hair, and light brown eyes with high cheek bones and a set of full lips and was almost 6’2.

He was with two other guys. One with black hair and brown eyes. He was 5’11. The other one seemed familiar, he had jet black hair and bright blue eyes. I think he was 6’1.

I don’t know but I have a strange feeling that I know this guy.

The three of them went and sat in the middle of the cafeteria joining five guys.

That’s when we first locked eyes. He had the most amazing eyes ever. I was so lost in them that I didn’t notice the blonde bimbo coming our way.

"Wow Christy, so you and the new girl are friends now, huh?” Stephanie * cough* slut said or rather screeched.

"Yeah, well I prefer to be friends with her than being friends with you." Christy said.

"Ugh, yeah well, whatever, but I'm just warning you, stay away from Tyler. He's mine new girl” she said in a tone that was supposed to be warning but ended up being high and screechy.

"Wait, who's Tyler?" I asked, looking around.

"The blonde boy sitting over there." she said pointing to the to the table in the middle where Mr.Gorgeous was sitting .

“And what if we don't?" Katy asked

"Well ..." she said when "accidently" she poured soda on Katy's hair. All students turned toward us with an amused look on their faces

"Oops sorry " Bimbo said, not at all feeling sorry.

"Why you little bi-"Katy screamed as she grabbed blond bimbo's hair and punched her in the nose

"MY NOSE!" bimbo screamed "YOU'RE GONNA PAY FOR THAT!" she screeched again, this time holding her bleeding nose.

"Well ... you deserved it.” I said

That's when Stephanie charged in my direction ready to punch so I closed my eyes waiting for the impact but felt nothing . When I opened my eyes I saw a figure standing in front of me and said

"Touch my sister and you'll be lucky if you got out of the hospital with few broken bones.” That's when it hit me, familiar face, same color of hair and eye .. No way... it can't be ...

The man standing in front of me is my brother...

THIS is my brother...

This is Shadow.





I'm still crying that I deleted the story I hate myself

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