Ch.14 First Date

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Ch. 14

Light’s P.O.V.

“Christy, do I really need that much makeup? I swear that I’ll look like a clown!” I whined and earned a punch from Christy

“Oh shut up! You look great.” Christy said in a firm tone.

“But, OW!” I shrieked. I can’t believe she hit me again.

“Look here woman. You will put on makeup. You will dress like this, and don’t you dare complain because you look stunning” Christy stated.

“Viola” Christy beamed.

We were in my room and as you can see Christy’s preparing me for my date. She gave me hell. Literally. We’ve been in here since 2 hours and Christy, THANK GOD, is finished. I wasn’t allowed to open my eyes since Christy wanted it to be a ‘Surprise’, I mentally rolled my eyes. I hate makeup, it’s my worst enemy.

“Okay. You can open your eyes now.” Christy said.

When I opened my eyes I didn’t recognize myself. This girl in front of me was way lot beautiful to be me. I had dark blue eye shadow which made my eyes strike out. I had light pink lip gloss and my hair was curled. I wore a beautiful dark blue strapless dress that was simple yet elegant. It was simply stunning. Christy squealed in excitement and started jumping up and down.

“Light, you look gorgeous!” Christy clapped.

“Yeah, I do.” I said touching my hair “Christy this is amazing, thanks.” I hugged her as hard as I could

Suddenly the door bell rang and I immediately knew that it was Tyler.

“I’ll get it.” Shadow yelled from down stairs. In this hour long torture, I almost forgot that he was in the house.

“Ok, take deep breaths and go down stairs. Trust me Light, you look amazing. Any guy would kill to be with you. Guess my brother was lucky to have you as a mate, huh?” Christy winked.

I was walking down stairs when Tyler came into view. He looked breath taking. He wore a black T-shirt that showed his 8 packs and dark blue jeans. He just looked amazing. Tyler was talking with Shadow but as soon as his gaze fell on me his jaw practically dropped to the floor. Shadow looked confused and turned around to see what Tyler’s line of sight. When Shadow saw me, he smiled. Christy appeared next to him and gave me thumbs up.

Tyler smiled his unbelievably beautiful smile and took my hand.

“You look dazzling.” Tyler said as he kissed my hand.

“And you look pretty handsome yourself.” I smiled.

Tyler flashed a grin and replied “Anything for my beautiful lady.” That’s when I started blushing again.

“Okay, save the lovey dovey stuff for the date guys. I’m getting sick here.” Shadow stuck his tongue out and turned his head acting like he’s going to throw up. I just rolled my eyes and glared at him earning a chuckle from Tyler.

“Okay we gotta go guys.” Tyler slipped his hand in mine and walked out the door with me hot on his heels.

“Bye guys. Have fun, but not too much fun.” Shadow winked

Tyler started turning crimson while I was already red from the embarrassment.

Tyler opened the passenger’s side of his Ferrari and closed it when I got in. Then he got in the driver’s seat and started the engine. We drove in comfortable silence but I was still curious about the place that we were going through, so I decided to ask.

“Tyler?” I asked in a childish tone.

“Yes?” he replied in the same one that I asked him in.

“Where are we going?” I said

“And why should I tell you?” Tyler adverted his gaze from the road to me

I put a finger under my chin and pretended to think while Tyler chuckled. “Because I’m your mate.” I answered.

“Hmm… not good enough.” Tyler said.

“WHAT?” I shrieked.

“Just kidding, but it’s a surprise.” Tyler answered. Tyler ended the conversation with that. He stopped the car and I looked around to see that we were in the forest. I looked at Tyler and was about to say something when Tyler put a finger on his mouth as he blindfolded me.

“Tyler? What are you doing?”  I asked.

“It should be a surprise. Now, come on.” Tyler wrapped a hand around my waist and started walking with me next to him. After a few minutes of walking Tyler stopped and got behind me. Once he took the blindfold of I gasped.

The view in front of my eyes was simply amazing. It was a small forest opening decorated with lights. There was a lake which was surrounded by thick, lush trees. In the middle, a table was set with the seating accommodations for two. It was simply amazing.

“Like it?” Tyler asked with uncertainty.

“Like it? I love it Tyler, this is incredible.” I answered, still dazed by the beautiful view in front of me. “Did you do this alone?”

“Yup.” he said popping the ‘p’. “Now let’s eat, I’m starving.” Tyler led the way and I followed.

The date was amazing. We ate pasta and for dessert we ate Heather’s famous blueberry cheesecake (Tyler’s mom).

We ate, talked and laughed. We were now wrapped in each other’s arms looking at the moon when Tyler startled me by asking “Light, do you trust me?” He didn’t look at me, as if he was afraid of the truth.

“You know when I first came here I trusted no one, but then Christy, Melanie, and Katy came and befriended me. They were the first people in a long time that I trusted. Then came Shadow, who I didn’t expect was alive but he was there standing right in front of me, my big brother who always protected me before I was kidnapped.” I looked at the stars and continued ”I never have I thought that I would meet my mate but here I am with you on a date. I told you everything about my life the other day which only Shadow knows. Living with monsters made me afraid of men, but I’m here. So what do you think Tyler? Do you think I trust you?” I finally turned to look at him finding his eyes looking straight in mine.

All of a sudden Tyler’s lips crashed on mine. Fireworks were everywhere. It was like we were the only two in the world. I couldn’t feel Tyler’s lips anymore so I opened my eyes and looked at him. He had a goofy smile.

“So Miss Light Anderson, will you be my girlfriend?” Tyler asked.

“Why, of course Tyler Thomas.” I said playfully which made Tyler grin.

“Come on, we have to go. It’s getting late.” he took my hand and soon we were on our way to my house.

 “I had a great time Tyler, thank you.” I softly said.

“Anything for the beautiful lady.” he was about to kiss me when the door opened and Christy stood between us making Tyler kiss Christy’s hair. He immediately opened his eyes and when he saw Christy there he started grumbling and cursing which made me giggle.

Christy bombarded me with questions and I couldn’t understand any of them. Tyler noticed my discomfort and put a hand on Christy’s mouth saying “It’s late, we have to go, now.” He stomped towards the car but not without giving me a kiss. Christy ‘Awed’ and Tyler only rolled his eyes.

I said goodnight to Shadow, undressed and went to bed with a huge smile on my face.






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