Ch.21 Mission accomplished

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Ch. 21

Tyler's P.O.V.

We found out were the Blood Moon pack's territory was. Turns out they took Light back there. My angel's there with those monsters. I can't stand the thought, what if they were beating her right now? I didn't realize that I started shaking until Shadow put his hand on my shoulder.

"Calm down man, we going to get her back. Don't worry." he said in a calm voice.

"How shouldn't I worry Shadow? They have her and no wonder that they're beating her right now." I roared.

"And don't you think I know that? She's my sister too you know, my only family!" he screamed back.

I never saw Shadow losing his temper; he's usually the calm one between us. I sighed and put my head in my hands. "You’re right. Anything new?" I asked Shadow and stood up.

"No, nothing new Alpha." he rubbed his neck. Connor, one of our pack members opened the door and was panting.

"What's wrong Connor?" I asked using Alpha voice.

"It's Caleb. He turned out to be the one spying on us." he panted. I looked at Shadow and he looked as shocked as I was.

"Are you sure?" I asked

"Yes Alpha." he bowed as a sign of respect..

Shadow stood crossed armed taking deep breaths in and out trying to control his wolf while I was furious. How could Caleb do this to us, to me? Yet again I tried to control my wolf but couldn’t, so I thought of Light and her angelic face.  It instantly calmed me down.

“Caleb, that son of a bitch! I’m gonna kill him!” Shadow slammed his fist on the table and created a big hole in it. In any other circumstances I would’ve said ‘dude I know your mad but don’t take it out on the table’ but now is not the right time. I want Light to come back, but not with an attack, because I wouldn’t guarantee us winning and finding Light.

The best thing that I could think of is going there and saving Light when they’re all sleeping. The Blood Moon pack doesn’t put wolves on patrol most of the time because no one dares to cross its territory, so that gives me an advantage.

“I agree with you. Caleb will get what he deserve but tonight I’m gonna get Light back.” I said.

“And how would you do that?” Shadow asked confusion clear on his face.

I explained everything that I’m gonna do. Shadow didn’t seem quite convinced but soon agreed seeing that it’s the only way to get Light 100 percent.

“Okay so you know what to do. Get the guys and we’ll get there by midnight.”

Light’s P.O.V.

“Caleb? No it can’t be” I said.

“Glad you’ve awoken princess.” He hissed.

“Why?” I whispered “Why are you doing this? Tyler’s your best friend.” I was on the verge of tears. I’m not a weeping king of girl that cries over everything but Caleb was like a brother to me.

“I’ll make this quick, Tyler’s pack killed my parents, and I’m out for revenge. For the best friends part… well I was faking. What can I say, I’m a good actor.” He gave me a wicked grin.

“You, you bastard how could you do this?” I screamed.

“Easy, one to get rid of Tyler. Two, to get rid of his pack. Three, to have my glory.” He smiled and I felt sick.

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