Ch.12 The pack

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Light's P.O.V.

"Pss Light" a voice whispered.

"Light" It whispered again. I heard a sigh and then a scream "THERE ARE CHOCOLATE CHIP MUFFINS DOWNSTAIRS!" That did it. I ran down stairs chanting 'chocolate chip muffins, chocolate chip muffins! Yay!'

Panting as I reached the kitchen I kept thinking about the chocolate chip muffins, they've been my favorite since I was a little girl. I looked around but the was no muffins. I heard a chuckle from behind and I knew Shadow tricked me. "Shadow Mathew Anderson" I screamed.

"Hey, you had to get up.” He said holding his hands up in surrender. “And besides, Tyler’s gonna introduce you to the pack so go get dressed. He should be here in ten so you better hurry up." He winked and went to the game room. Bolting up the stairs I put on a pair of ripped jeans, a red tank top and a pair of red converse. I put on a little bit of mascara and hung my hair loose. I heard a car horn and knew that Tyler was here.

"LIGHT!" Shadow yelled downstairs.

"Coming..." I said and made my way downstairs. Shadow was waiting impatiently with his hands on his hips, he looked like a girl. "Come on we're gonna be late." he snapped

I raised my hands up in surrender "Okay, okay no need to be moody little miss rudy." I sang as he glared. He sighed and opened the door. Once we were in Tyler's car, we buckled our seatbelts and sped off.

"Hey Guys" He greeted

"Hi" Shadow and I both chorused and I glared at him.

"So Light, are you excited about meeting the pack?" Tyler asked looking at me from the car mirror.

"Uh" I hesitated "Yah, but I'm a bit nervous though" I rubbed my arm and Tyler chuckled.

"Don't worry, the pack will love you." He smiled and I returned it.

In my mind I kept chanting 'It’s okay Light, the pack will love you.'  I started sweating thinking that maybe the pack won't like me or maybe they won't accept me as a member. Before I knew it, we were in front of the pack house.

"We're here." Tyler said. I opened the door and stepped out. In front was a mansion that was massive. It was painted white and clearly modern. Trees surrounded the mansion and grass was everywhere. Seeing the mansion made me more nervous cause that means Tyler's parents were rich and expect a high class girl. Shadow noticed my discomfort and decided to tease me.

"Light is afraid to meet the pack, meet the pack, meet the pack. Light is afraid to meet the pack cause she’s a little chicken." Shadow sang and I hit him on the arm. "Ow what was that for?" He rubbed his arm.

"That's for making fun of me, and saying that there was chocolate chip muffing in the kitchen while there weren't." I snapped

"Children, children , now is not the time to argue." Tyler mock scolded us but I couldn't help but smile. We made our way towards the mansion and Tyler knocked on the door. A woman, probably in her 40’s,  answered it and hugged Tyler. She had light brown hair and honey brown eyes and I can tell that she was Tyler's mom. Next in line for the hug was Shadow and then last but not least .... me.

"Oh you must be Light. Tyler couldn't stop talking about you. I'm Heather Tyler's mom." She extended her hand and I shook it.

"Hi I'm Light. It's a pleasure to meet you Mrs. Thomas" I smiled

"Oh please , call me Heather honey. Mrs. Thomas makes me feel old'' She said and both the guys chuckled.

"Okay... uh Heather." I scratched my head.

"Oh how rude of me, come in'' she opened the door wide and stepped aside for us to come in. I stepped inside and gasped in shock. The house was amazing on the inside. The theme color was red and gold and it fit really well and everything was modern.

"So I guess you like the house?" Tyler whispered in my ear, causing me to shiver.

"I love it, it's beautiful'' I answered

"Now kids , the pack members are in the living room waiting for you." Mrs.  .... uh Heather clapped her hands. She started walking and we followed. I was so nervous about meeting the pack and Tyler noticed that so he squeezed me hand and I squeezed back. Heather opened the living room door and suddenly all the room went quiet. Shadow put a hand on my shoulder; I had almost forgotten he's here.

I could see the respect that the pack had for Tyler and Shadow. Tyler held my hand and led the way with Shadow a few steps behind. We were in the middle of the room when Tyler cleared his throat and started taking “As you all know pack meetings are important, and this one's the same. I found my mate." There were whoops and cheers from the pack "Light step forward please" and so I did. He came closer and put his arm over my shoulder "Light is also the lost sister of your beta Shadow, my mate, and now you're alpha female. If there's any objection about this raise your hand and we'll settle this outside." Tyler's alpha voice boomed and no one dared say a thing. "Very well then , you are all dismissed" Tyler said. Most of the pack came patted Tyler on the back and introduced themselves. I must say that their kindness made me happy. They accepted me which I was very grateful for. Heather came holding a man's hand which I directly knew was Tyler's dad. He had the same blond hair and brown eyes. He was tall and somewhere in his late 40's.

"Light, this is dad. Dad, this is Light." Tyler said and his dad chuckled.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Light. I'm Sean, Tyler's father" He extended his hand and I shook it.

''Likewise sir." I responded

"Oh call me Sean it's okay, no need to be so formal." He laughed and I smiled.

"I must say whenever Tyler opens his mouth he only speaks about you." he was interrupted by Tyler.

"Dad" he whined "Stop it you're embarrassing me" he said like a 5 year old .

"Shut up boy." His dad snapped , Heather and I giggled while Tyler hung his head down in embarrassment. "He can't stop talking about how perfect and beautiful you are but I can't blame him. We couldn't ask for someone better, after all you're the beta's sister and any family of his is a family of ours." He finished.

"Thankyou" I said smiling.

“No, it's true." He answered but Heather cut in.

“So we'll be expecting grandchildren soon, huh?"

"Mom!" Tyler said blushing. I think, well I know, that right now I'm red as a tomato.

"Oh you know I'm just Kidding." She grabbed her husband's hand and walked away, but not without yelling "USE PROTECTION".

I hid my face with my hair hoping that no one heard. I looked at Tyler and he was red all over. He cleared his throat and said "Let’s go outside." I saw Stephanie glare at me when we were passing by her but I didn't give a damn. Looks like she's in Tyler's pack too.... JOY, note the sarcasm.

Once we made our way outside we were greeted by the sight of children playing everywhere while their parents watched them. Time flew by and it was 10:00 P.M. already. Tyler drove us back home and kissed him on the cheek as a thanks. I said goodnight to Shadow and went to my room. I opened the door, changed into a short and an oversized shirt, and slid under the covers, happy that today went smooth.

hope you liked it !!!!






!Lots of Love!

~Peace to All~ Sally

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