Ch. 23 Lost

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Ch. 23




Tyler’s P.O.V.

‘This is it guys. This is where we end this. Are you ready?’  I asked through our mind link.

Yes’ the entire pack answered.

I can feel them coming, they’re close. Every step we took leads us to danger. I talked to my pack and said that it’s either life or death. I told them that they could get killed and if they want to stay here, they could. Nobody said anything; they all wanted to be in our war.

Light promised me that she’ll stay in the pack house while we’re fighting but I can’t stop this felling that she’s going to break it. We waited and out of nowhere more than 50 pair of eyes glowed. A big black wolf stepped forward and I instantly knew that it was Michael. A light brown wolf stood next to him, it was Caleb.

‘You traitor’ I roared and he smirked ‘why?’  I asked

‘Revenge’ he sneered ‘your pack killed my parents and I want revenge’

‘But I thought you were my friend!’

‘What can I say? I should go to Hollywood’ was all he said

‘ Young alpha Tyler, you are making a big mistake fighting us.’ Michael laughed through the mind link.

‘In a matter of fact Michael’ I sneered ‘I remember that we are one of the strongest packs in America.’  I thought and he chuckled.

‘One’ he smirked in his wolf form and I glared. 

Oh young Light. I had fun when she was around, her screams were so loud but she was so annoying sometimes’  He howled and passed me a few images of what happened to Light there, my angel.

I couldn’t take it anymore. I growled and leaped at Michael we started snapping at each other. Soon enough the entire field was filled with both of our packs attacking.

The only thing that I could smell was blood. Michael bit my shoulder and I whimpered but soon recovered and bit his leg and threw him a few feet away.  I came closer and growled but was caught off guard when a wolf but my neck and gashed me.

I growled and ripped his throat. I turned back to look at Michael but he jumped and started kicking and tackled me. It continued that way until; I looked around and saw that there was some wolves on the ground but most of them were from Michael’s pack. Thank God.

I was defenseless by now. Michael did a lot of damage to me. I groaned in pain and waited for what was coming. I knew that if Michael pounced again I will definitely die, but at least I would die trying.

I looked at Josh and he had Caleb under him. He bit down and ripped his throat.

Any last words?’ Michael mocked concern.

You lose.’  I breathed and saw Michael glaring.

Wrong answer.’ he growled and jumped. I closed my eyes waiting for the pain but didn’t feel anything.

I opened my eyes and saw a beautiful white wolf with black stripes lying on the floor next to me. A lot of blood was pouring out of her wound and it seemed fatal. She changed in to human form and was covered in blood.

 ‘LIGHT!’ I screamed in my head but there was no answer. I looked around and saw that Shadow sliced Michael’s throat and was coming our way.

I changed in to human form and cradled her in my arm. I didn’t care that I was naked and held her in my arms and covered her nude body on my chest.

“Light, angel?” I patted her on the cheeks but still no answer. “Light answer me.” I whispered panicked.

“Tyler we have to get her to the pack’s doctor right now or she could die.” Shadow whimpered and I knew that he was trying to hide his tears. Hell, I was trying too.

I ran as fast as I could towards the pack house and slammed the front door open. Mom and Christy came in to view. Christy put her hand on her mouth and silent tears started to pour from her eyes.

Linda, the pack’s doctor came running and told me to put Light on the bed upstairs. In a flash I gently laid Light on the bed and took her hand in my hand and squeezed.

“Tyler I understand that she’s your mate but you have to get out of the room.” She pleaded.

“No I’m not leaving my mate here all alone.” I growled.

Shadow came and put a hand on my shoulder “Tyler, the things that she will do to make her recover will make you go wild. We don’t need Light to die.” He snapped and I slowly nodded my hand and left the room; but not with one last look of a bloody Light.

‘ I failed her’  I thought  ‘ I told her I would protect her and be by her side … but I failed her.’

Everyone was in the living room waiting impatiently for the doctor to come out. Mom, Christy, Katy, Melanie and the other females were crying.

Shadow held Melanie tight as she cried while he was crying as well. I put my head in my hands and let my tears flow. After two torturing hours the doctor got out and quietly shook her head. Mom and the girls broke into sobs while Shadow started crying hard.

Dad put a hand on my shoulder but I didn’t care.

I lost the most important person in my life.


I know that you guys hate me now! Sorry that this chapter is like this... Or is it?

Next chapter will be better and will explain things more.


Okay I need 15 votes on this one and the comments would mean alot

okay chapter 12 (I think) called the pack is changed! okay


so that you won't look confused when I said his dad and mom here .

It talks about the pack meeting and introducing Light so I think you should read it too!

so don't forget to






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