Ch.6&7 Soulmate

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So I kind of skipped a chapter without noticing... Yiiikes.

I feel so foolish :p Anyway, it's fine. :p



Michaels P.O.V.

"How could this happen!" roared the alpha of the Blood Moon pack Michael. He was tall, 6'4 with brown hair and brown eyes. He was furious. How could she escape this place, he thought, his face was red from anger.

"We don't know alpha, we all were at the meeting when she escaped, we- "William his beta was interrupted.

"SILENCE!" Michael thundered. William was petrified. He didn't know what to say, and if he said something wrong, he will be sentenced to death.

"We will find her." He said and then corrected "I will find her, even if it was the last thing I do." Michael announced, fuming.

'I will find her, and nothing could stop me 'he said to himself.

Light's P.O.V.

"Guys this is the sister that I've been telling you about. Light, these are Aaron, Caleb, Seth, Jason, Mark, Josh and Tyler." When I locked eyes with Tyler, my wolf started screaming MINE MINE SOULMATE MINE.

We kept staring at each other but someone coughed which made me turn away and blush.

"Okay, so wanna sit with us? "Shadow asked

"Um, but I'm sitting with Christy. "I said lamely, pointing to the table the girls were sitting at.

"Well, then you'll have to tell them to come sit here. I can't let my mate get out of my site now, can I? "Tyler said, smirking. I started to blush like crazy. Aaron, Caleb, Seth, Jason, Mark, and Josh were smiling like they just won the lottery while Shadow had a super shocked face; I had to suppress my giggles.

Tyler's P.O.V.

Three hours listening to teachers going on and on and on, I mean can't they see that we're bored?

Stupid school, stupid teacher, stupid everything. Is there a use of History? I'm not going to use it, but NO! We should know about everything in this damn world.

But thank God that there is one period break for lunch or I'll seriously die.

Shadow, Josh and I were on our way to the cafeteria. Those two fish heads were arguing about their cars, who had the best cars.

"NO, my Lamborghini Murcielago is way better than your Aventador" Josh said. Ugh I just wish that he would shut up, only for one day, that's all I'm asking.

"What? My Aventador is the best and you know it but you're too afraid to admit it "Shadow said. They kept talking and talking, and I began to get more and more frustrated.

"Oh come on man, say it, my –"

"WILL YOU TWO SHUT UP ALREADY!  MY FERRARI IS NUMBER ONE! SO DEAL WITH IT!" I shouted. Good thing that nobody was in the hall. "Now come on I want to eat, I'm starving."I said dragging both of my shocked friends to the cafeteria.

If you don't know, I'm Tyler Thomas, alpha of the Silver pack, which is one of the strongest packs in America. I have blond hair and honey brown eyes, I'm 6'2. Height runs in the family, well actually for males. My Dad's a 6'4, so he's really tall.

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