Ch.10 Trust Issues

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 Light’s P.O.V.

School finished and I went home. Tyler offered me a ride but I refused and said that it was only 10 minutes from here. Just because we’re mates doesn’t mean that I’ll fall for his feet. From my previous experiences with the Blood Moon pack, men aren’t that good. 

 Tyler has to work hard to earn my trust, but one problem is that the bond keeps getting stronger and stronger each day, so it’ll be hard to control myself. I started packing all my stuff which wasn’t a lot. Once finished, I laid on the bed thinking about Shadow. I didn’t see him when the bell rang signaling the end of school day, hope he’s okay.

As on cue Shadow sent me a message

-Stupid teacher, she gave me detention, and didn’t even fall for my breath taking smile and charm!  

I chuckled and replied

-Wow that blew Ur ego and self confidence huh?  Haha poor you :P

-Shut up every one knows im hot

- Hey I just finished packing

-yah, tell me where you’re your house is

After I sent him the directions of the house he told me that he’s gonna pick me up at 7:00 am tomorrow.

The next day, I woke up, went to the bathroom, did what I had to do and then wore my clothes. When I was blow-dry my hair I was startled by seeing Shadow leaning against the door

“Its 7:00 come on” Shadow whined

“Well good morning to you too” I said annoyed

“Someone’s not a morning person” Shadow chuckled

“Shut up” I rolled my eyes.

“You know saying shut up is rude”

“What are you my mother” I instantly regretted saying those words. I saw sorrow and hurt flashing in Shadow’s eyes but was quickly replaced by a blank expression.

“Just hurry up” And with that he left the room. I took my bag of clothes and backpack with me. The car ride was filled with uncomfortable silence. Once I stepped out of the car I was tackled by Katy and Christy

“Morning sunshine” Christy sang

“What’s up” Katy greeted

“Morning guys” I said

“Sorry to break your VIP talk but where’s my babe?” Shadow said with his eyebrows raised

“Babe?” I asked

“Yeah Melanie and I went on a date yesterday, don’t you remember? I picked her up at 7:00after my detention “he said as if it was ‘duh’.

“Oh so now you’re officially a couple?” I asked

“Yup. Oh she’s here, do I look hot?” Shadow said

“Yeah, go get her tiger” I mimicked the tiger’s voice

“Wow that boy is Love struck” Katy said amused

I was wondering were Tyler was “Hey Christy have you seen your brother?”

“Nope, oh there he is!” she pointed to a red Ferrari parking in the school’s parking lot.

My jaw hit the floor and I didn’t realize Tyler coming this way
“Like it babe?” He asked

“Yeah” I answered still mesmerized by his car Wait did he just call me babe? “Tyler I’m not your babe”

“And what’s that supposed to mean?” annoyance was clear in his voice but I still found a little bit of sorrow in there.

“Tyler, my life isn’t that simple, no one wishes to go through what I went through, so I have trusting problems. Please don’t be sad Tyler, I’m not rejecting you but I was tortured, abu-” I was cut off by Tyler asking “WHAT?” in the most  vicious way possible followed by a chorus of who , when , and where .

“Light talk to me, tell me what happened. I will rip their throats.”

I was about to reply but was saved by the bell ringing “See you later Tyler “
“See you oh and we’ll talk about it later” he waved

I should have known he wasn’t letting it go.

While I was in class I got a text from Christy

-Mann, Mr. Douche here is killing me and the bimbos around me are giggling crazy .

-poor you L

-yah the queen bee *cough* SL^t I won’t be surprised if she had more than 50 surgeries

I laughed out loud forgetting I was in class

“Miss Anderson is there something you would like to share with the class” asked Mr.Ross/pig. I hate this man. I mean he’s so rude. I don’t know what his problem is. There was only 10 seconds left for class to end, so I decided to stall.

“No Mr. Ross, there’s nothing” I said looking innocent

“Well there should be something, since you started laughing “

“No, there’s nothing “






And the bell rang; I walked out of the classroom and bumped into Stephanie. She wore a pink mini skirt that showed her panties and V-neck pink tight shirt that showed her tits. Typical Stephanie , slut.

 When she saw me she smirked and whispered in my ear “You can’t run anymore. “She said leaving me with a mouth hanging open.


Hope you like it



and fan

Love you guys


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