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(Your Pov)
I took a drink of water while Spot came and laid next to me. I heard someone come out of the forest behind me and Spot, "well.. well.. look at who I've caught" I heard behind me, Spot was growling and barking but stayed next to me. I looked behind me and I was a young guy with dirty brownish blond hair green eyes and he had smirk on his face.

" Who are you?" I asked him " my name is Peter. Peter Pan, may I ask what yours is?" He said back to me with a smirk still on his face he walked closer to me and stood in front of me with his arms crossed. " My name is y/n, your Peter Pan like the actual Peter Pan?" I said back to him.

He glanced at me and said " well who else do you think  I am? I looked at him and said " well I didn't think you where real. Am I in a dream??" He unwrapped his arms and put them on his wast and said " no your not dreaming you are really here" he chuckled " do you want to stay here with me and the Lost boys in NeverLand y/n?"

He asked me I looked at him with confusion, I looked down at spot and held him I my arms and asked Spot " do you wanna stay here boy?" He barked at me and I looked back at Pan " sure but.. Spot can stay too" I told Pan he glanced over at the woods and said "fine I'll show you the way". We walked a while into the woods with Pan and Spot kept growling a little at him.

(Peter Pov)
Wow she is a stubborn one I thought to myself, I wonder what I'm going to do with her and the boys.

We got the the camp and I looked around and yelled " Felix! Come here!." He came over and looked at me and said " yes Pan?" " show y/n to my tent" I told him, he looked around me with confusion "um.. Where is y/n" I looked around behind me "ugh that stubborn girl, Felix go get her and bring her here" I demanded him.

(Your Pov)
I ran as fast as I could away from Pan when he wasn't looking, I found a tree with a hole down by the bottom me and Spot crawled under there and sat under there.

About a half an our after I ran there was 2 Lost Boys running by the tree that me and Spot where under, I looked a Spot and told him to keep quiet.

I grabbed my water bottle out of my bag again and poured some in a lid and gave it to Spot and drank some from the bottle, I put everything back in my bag.

Once I thought the coast was clear me and Spot got out from under the tree and ran a little away. We came across a water fall and we sat on the edge of the waterfall, we rested there for a bit. 

A few mins later the 2 Lost Boys found me and Spot, the 2 boys tied me with rope and threw me over there shoulders, Spot got mad and started barking and ran towards the Lost Boys and bit them. One of the Lost Boys kicked Spot over the waterfall I screamed for Spot but I heard nothing from him, there where tears running down my face when the boys where taking me to Peter.

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