Chapter 38

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After I feed Renesmee I brought her down with me for breakfast, I sat next to Peter I kissed him on the cheek, he smiled and grabbed the food I usually eat on my plate for me, I started eating with one hand and Renesmee was in my other.

I looked down at her making sure I didn't get any food all over her, she was fine and clean, out of know where I heard a little yawn and I looked down at Renesmee and it was her that yawned.

I looked up at Peter which he was looking at her, we both chuckled and smiled, her yawn was so adorable.

Later that day I went for a walk with Peter and Renesmee, there was a big open area near camp and I looked over at Peter "this could be here play area when she gets older" he nodded and I looked down at Renemee seeing her sleeping.

I could feel Peter wanting to hold Renesmee, so I passed her over to him he held onto her and smiled "your so attached to Renesmee" I giggled he smiled "yeah I guess, since she is the first child to be born here and she is my child" "true" I smiled and kissed Renesmee on  the forehead.

We walked back to camp, Peter and I walked into the tree house and put Renesmee back to bed. I laid in bed while Peter was massaging me to relax me, it felt good having Peter like this.

After him helping me relax, I fell asleep in his arms with my face on his warm chest, every time we cuddled I couldn't help but to love him more and more.

I woke up with Renesmee crying, I was about to get up but then Peter got up "don't worry I'll get her" I smiled and went back to bed while Peter was rocking her and giving her a new souther.

I felt Peter crawl back into bed and cuddled me again. He kept twisting and turning like he was having a bad dream, I woke him up "bad dream?" He nodded I sat up with my back leaning against the wall with his head on my stomach.

"Tell me about it" as I lit the candle beside me on a bed table, "well I had a dream that I wasn't there to keep you alive and safe when you where having the other kid and after losing you I ended up losing both of the kids, I was by myself forever" he told me as a tear rolled down his face "Peter you won't lose anyone and you won't be alone"

I wiped the year off his face "go back to bed I'll be right here if you have another bad dream" he nodded and closed his eyes, I told him a story about How we meet and how it changed everything.

Once he fell back asleep, I tried but couldn't so I got up and walked over to Renesmee sleeping, I picked her up and carried her to the chair I sat there finishing the story from where I left off, as I was telling her the story I rocked her back and fourth.

I was happy to know both of my baby's where mine and sleeping, I started to get tired and I went to lay Renesmee in her bed until she started crying I wiped the tears and rocked her softy "you wanna come sleep with mamma?" I said in a soft whisper she stopped crying and I carried her into bed with me and Peter.

I felt relaxed and happy laying in bed with both of my baby's, it made me fall asleep quicker. Peter wasn't having a bad dream anymore after that so I blew out the candle and fell asleep.

I woke up an hour later with only Spot on the bed, I looked around since I thought Renesmee fell off the bed or something like that, I quickly got up and found Peter sleeping in the chair with Renesmee in his arms sleeping like her daddy in her room.

I smiled and rubbed my eyes open, I slowly picked Renesmee up from Peters  arms and laid her down in her crib, Peter woke up while I laid her back down. I looked at him and smiled "come on go back to bed sleepy head" he nodded, as he walked past me he kissed my cheek.

I walked behind him into our room, since I wasn't sleepy anymore I got dressed and went to check on the boys. The youngest boy came up to me " how's Renesmee?" I smiled at him and bent down on my knees to face him "she is fine, she is just sleeping right know" he nodded and smiled "so is Renesmee our new princess?."

I looked at him confused "what do you mean?" "Well is she since Peter is the king of NeverLand and your our new Queen?" I chuckled "yes I suppose she is" he smiled and ran off.

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