Chapter 1

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The Next Step just won Internationals and are holding auditions again for A troupe.

Richelle's pov
Right now I'm just in the music room practising my solo for the A troupe auditions. I've put in all my tricks, all my flips and everything I can think of in my solo. The song That we have to dance to is called Straight to the top. I think it's a good song to dance acro to. So I start practising when Noah comes in. He is with Abi. They wait for me to finish my solo and then they walk over to me holding hands. Oh no. Please don't say they are dating. Noah is my best friend and we have been for years. In fact we have know each other for so long, I kind of like him. I thought that he felt the same way about me but, I guess not.
"Hey Richelle. That was an amazing solo! You will definitely get into A troupe if you do that solo!" Noah says and smiles at me.
"Definitely!" Abi says back.
"Thanks." I say putting on a fake smile.
"So why are you here?" I ask, hoping not to get the answer that I don't want.
"Well, me and Noah are dating!" Abi says and kisses Noah.
"Isn't this great?" He says.
"Um yeah. I hope you two are happy together but if you don't mind I need to get back to rehearsing my solo." I say, hinting for them to go away.
"Oh uh, ok." The both say and walk out smiling at each other.
I can't believe it. They are dating and I can't do anything to stop them. However, if I get back into A troupe, then I can get closer to Noah and hopefully stop Noabi! I smile at my plan and then Riley comes in.
"Richelle, it's time for the auditions! Are you ready?" She says with a smile.
"Ready as I'll ever be." I say back and we walk into studio A.
"Welcome to the A troupe auditions!" Miss Kate says.
"First we will start with the solos. Group one will be Michelle, Riley, West, Hunter and Charlie. Group two is Richelle, Skylar, James, Noah and Camille. Group three is: Stephanie, Abi, Eldon, Jake and Beth. Group four is Max, Cierra, Amanda, Giselle and Shannon. You will all have a bit of time to do your solo while the song is playing. When Kate says 'next' the next dancer will come on and perform their solo. We will continue it like that. Everyone happy?" Phoebe says.
Everyone nods their heads.
"Good." Phoebe says.
"Let's begin!" Miss Kate says.
Michelle starts to do her solo and she is awesome. She should make it! Then it's Riley's turn, West's turn, Hunter's turn and Charlie's turn.
Then it's my turn. I walk on and everyone claps. The music starts playing and I start dancing. I think that I'm doing really well and so does everyone else judging by the applause that I'm getting. Then I finish and soon enough everyone else has to.
"We aren't going to have you dance in groups this year. We are just going to see how you did on your solo." Miss Kate says,
"You were all incredible." Phoebe says.
"But only twelve can make the team." Kate says.
"Yes. Me and Kate would like the people who make it in to come and stand in the middle when their name has been called out so we can see the team at the end." Phoebe says.
Everyone nods their heads.
"So without further ado I will read the names out.
James, West, Riley, Max, Giselle, Noah, Stephanie, Cierra, West, Eldon, Michelle and.......... Abi!" Miss Kate says. Everyone claps and start dancing around. I just get up and leave. I can't believe that I didn't get into A troupe. I was on the team that went to Internationals and now I'm not even on the team that went to regionals? I can't believe it. As I walking I hear someone behind me. It's Noah. He is the last person that I want to see right now.
"Richelle where are you going?" He says.
"Hidalgos." I say.
"I'm sorry that you didn't make it into A troupe. Can I come to hidalgos with you?" He asks.
"Wouldn't you rather spend your time with Abi?" I say and walk off.

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