Chapter 29

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Richelle's pov
So right now me and Noah are just walking to The Next Step from my house.
"Are you excited for nationals?" I ask.
"Of course! We get to go together and Abi isn't on the team!" Noah replies.
"I know, it's really exciting but I'm really nervous." I say.
"Don't be nervous Richy." He says.
"I haven't competed with the team for a while. What if I mess something up?" I ask nervously.
"You won't mess anything up." He says back and puts his arm around me.
Soon enough we arrive at The Next Step and start stretching. Then Kate and Phoebe walk in.
"Ok everyone we are going to hold the auditions for the solos, the duet and the small groups." Kate says.
"So, who would like to audition for Mr national soloist?" Phoebe asks.
Eldon snd Max raise their hands.
"Ok, Eldon and Max you will audition tomorrow." Kate says and writes down their names on her clipboard.
"Miss national soloist?" Phoebe asks.
Me, Michelle and Giselle raise our hands.
"Ok Richelle, Giselle and Michelle, you will audition tomorrow." Kate says and writes down our names.
"Ok duets?" Phoebe asks.
"We should do it." Noah whispers to me.
"Ok." I whisper back.
Me and Noah, James and Riley and Eldon and Thalia raise our hands.
"Ok Richelle, Noah, James, Riley, Eldon and Thalia, you will perform your duets tomorrow and we'll choose which one is the best." Kate says.
"And finally, who wants to audition for the small group?" Phoebe asks.
"Me, Stephanie, Giselle snd Thalia will!" Cierra says.
"Me James, West, and Eldon will audition." Max says.
"Ok let me just write your names down." Kate says.
"Ok. You have the rest of the day to rehearse and I want you all here at ten tomorrow." Phoebe says and then they leave.
"So shall we practice our duet?" I ask.
"Yeah." He says.
"Do you want to practice some lifts first?" I ask.
"Sure." He says and I run towards him and jump.
He catches me and lifts me up really high. I gasp. Then he puts me down.
"Are you ok?" He asks.
"Yeah. I just haven't been lifted in a while." I say.
"Do you want to try again?" He asks.
"Yes." I reply.
Then he lifts me again and it goes really well.
"You've still got it!" He says.
"Thanks." I say and hug him.
"Do you want to try some acro?" He asks.
"Sure." I say and we start doing aerials, handsprings and flips.
"Ok so we both know what we can do." He says.
"So we need to choreograph our duet." I say.
"Yes." He says back.
A few hours later
Noah's pov
Me and Richelle have just finished our duet and it looks awesome. I definitely think that we will win with this.
"Do you want to try it one more time?" Richelle asks.
"Yeah." I reply.
"Ok five, six, seven, eight." She says and we start dancing.
Soon we finish.
"That was awesome." She says.
"We will win with that." I say and kiss her cheek.
"Do you want to go to hidalgos?" I ask.
"Sure!" She says and we walk out of studio A holding hands.
When we get into hidalgos, we see Abi kissing Josh. I don't see why Josh would like her in that way but I guess that that's their life.
"Ew." Richelle whispers in my ear.
I laugh and we sit down at a table.
"I can't wait for your solo." I say and sip a cup of water.
"Thanks but I don't think I can do it because Michelle also want to be the soloist." Richelle says.
"Are you kidding me? You're like the best dancer on the team." I say and she blushes.
"Thanks No." She says and gives me a pec on the lips.
"No problem." I say back to her.
"Did you feel left out when Max asked to do a small group with all the boys except you?" She asked.
I hadn't really thought about that. I am the only boy that wasn't asked to do a small group.
"Oh it doesn't matter." I say.
"Are you sure?" She asks.
"Richy I'm fine." I reassure her.
"Anyway, the group would have been too big with six of us." I say.
"I suppose so." She says.
"I have to go and practice my solo." She says.
"Can I come and watch?" I ask.
"Of course!" She says and we leave.
I see Abi give Richelle a dirty look and Richelle gives her one back. We walk into studio A and see James and Riley having a make out session. Richelle looks at me with a disgusted face and I can't help but smile.
"Let's go to the music room." She says and leaves.
I follow her. She plays her music and starts dancing to it. She is really in time with the music and she could definitely take the title of Miss national soloist.
She soon finishes and I clap.
"That was brilliant!" I say.
"Thank you!" She says and hugs me.
Then James and Riley walk in.
"Aw look they're hugging!" Riley says to James and Richelle pulls away.
"How was your make out session?" Richelle asks and Riley turns bright red.
"Good bye." James says and walks out with Riley following close behind.
Me and Richelle just laugh.
"It's almost four o'clock." I say.
"We'd better go home then." Richelle says and we walk out holding hands.

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