Chapter 46

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Richelle's pov
As me and Noah are walking, I start to feel cold and he notices. He takes his jacket off and puts it on me.
"How cliché." I say and giggle.
He laughs and puts his arm around me.
"Oh Richelle." He says.
We decide to take some selfies and then hear thunder.
"Let's go home." I say.
"It's only a bit of thunder." He says.
Then lightning appears.
"Please." I say.
"It's fine come on!" He says and keeps walking.
"I can't." I say.
"Why not?" He asks.
"Because I'm scared." I blurt out.
"You're scared of thunder and lightning?" He asks and laughs a bit.
"Yes." I say and look down.
"Why?" He asks.
"Because I- I don't want to talk about it." I say.
"Please? I won't make fun of you." He says and takes hold of my hand.
"My uncle was on holiday and got struck by lightning. I've been scared of it ever since because he was injured badly." I say.
Noah pulls me into a tight hug.
"Ok, let's go home." He says and puts his arm around me for the walk home.
Noah's so sweet.
When we get home there is a note from my mum that says she won't be home until tomorrow because of work and another one with the same thing from Noah's dad. I get a text from my dad that says he won't be home until tomorrow as well.
"Looks like we're home alone." Noah says.
"Yep. I'm going to get changed into my pyjamas and then make dinner." I say.
"Ok but I'll make dinner with you." Noah says and winks at me.
Then I walk upstairs to get changed and I still see that there is still lightning outside. I get changed as fast as I can and then run back downstairs. Noah is in the kitchen and I jump on him. My legs are wrapped around him.
"Hi Richelle." He says and laughs.
"Hi." I say.
"Are you ok?" He asks.
"Just hanging around." I say.
"Do you want to make dinner?" He asks.
"Yep." I say and jump off him.
He laughs again.
"Were you scared again?" He asks.
"Maybe." I say.
"What should we make?" He asks.
"Pizza?" I ask.
"Sure! We have all the ingredients." He says.
"Awesome!" I say and we start to make the base.
Soon enough we finish everything and put the pizza in the oven. Noah laughs at me.
"What's so funny?" I ask.
"You have flour all over your shirt." He says.
"Well then I guess we're twins." I say and point at his shirt.
"Lol." He says and we both laugh.
"Do you think that there will be A troupe auditions for internationals?" I ask.
"Hopefully." He says.
"We could finally go to a competition together." I say.
"Yeah." He says.
Suddenly my phone pings.
It's a text from Giselle.
"Giselle wants us to meet her and Kate at the studio now." I say.
"Now?" Noah asks.
"Yep." I say.
My phone pings again.
"She says put on our dance clothes." I say.
Noah's pov
This is the hardest decision I've ever had to make. Should I go to Kate and Giselle or stay and have the pizza?
"Richelle wait!" I say and she looks up.
"What about the pizza?" I ask and point to the oven.
"Oh Noah." She giggles and runs upstairs to get changed.
I take it out the oven.
"I will eat you soon." I whisper to it.
"Are you talking to a pizza?" Richelle asks and is standing at the top of the stairs starring at me.
"No!" I say and go to get changed.
She so believed me when I said no.
Richelle's pov
Really Noah? You were talking to a pizza? Do you have any friends?
Soon enough he walks out of his room in his dance clothes.
"Let's go!" I say and stand up.
"Goodbye." He says to the pizza.
"Noah that's a pizza." I say.
"It may have feelings." He says.
"Well it doesn't." I say and we walk out of the door.
Soon enough we arrive at The Next Step and we walk into studio A.
"You wanted to see us?" Noah asks.
"It's eight pm." I say.
"Yeah could you quickly dance a solo each for me?" Kate asks.
"Why?" I ask.
"Just do it." Kate says.
"Ok." Noah says.
I go first and then Noah.
"That was amazing you guys." Kate says.
"Thank you." We both say.
Then Giselle walks in.
"We were wandering if you would like to go to Greece?" Giselle asks.
"I love Greece! But why?" I ask.
"Because that's where internationals is being held." Kate says.
"Yes!" I scream and hug Kate.
"Noah?" Giselle asks.
"Ok." He says.
"Thanks." He says.
Then we both walk out of the building and Noah is walking really quickly.
"Why are you in such a hurry?" I ask.
"One word- pizza." He says and I laugh. 

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